First add to composer.json
"codesleeve/platform-core": "dev-master"
then add the service provider to the providers
array in your app\config\app.php
then run commands for database
php artisan migrate --package codesleeve/platform-core
php artisan db:seed --class "Codesleeve\Platform\Seeds\Platform"
you can setup extra stuff in your project by running the command but this is only recommended for new projects
php artisan platform:setup
You can easily tap into the navigation of platform by using the Navigation laravel facade or App::make('platform.navigation');
$blog = [
'title' => 'Blogs',
'icon' => 'fa-pencil-square-o',
'url' => route('blogs.index'),
'shown' => can('update', 'Blogs'),
'active' => 'blogs',
If you want to make a custom view you can modify any views after running
$ php artisan view:publish codesleeve/platform-core
TODO Not implemented yet but on the radar.
TODO Add a tidbit about Breadcrumbs. Also add the ability to easily override the Breadcrumbs view that is made (just how the Pagination component works in Laravel);
TODO Add the form helpers and macros we have in platform core here...
I don't think we should rely on the BaseController for all the extra's. This would probably be better for a view.composer. Things like Breadcrumbs...
Change the theme and colors to match the website more... theme needs a little tinder love and care.