Extracts email addresses from a MySQL database.
PHP Version 5.6.8
php5-cli Lib
MySQL support Enabled
MySQL version 5.0.11
Permission Writing
COMMAND:: --host ~ Sets the Host.
Example: e-dump.php --host localhost
COMMAND:: --user ~ Sets the User.
Example: e-dump.php --user root
COMMAND:: --pass ~ Sets the Password.
Example: e-dump.php --pass admin123
COMMAND:: --dbname ~ Command to set the db that will be scanned. By default, all dbs will be scanned.
Example: e-dump.php --dbname mydatabase
COMMAND:: --save ~ Saves the emails found on a list.
Example: e-dump.php --save output.txt
e-dump.php --save ""
COMMAND:: --no-info ~ It does not display the "databases" and the tables.
Example: e-dump.php --no-info
Author CoderPirata
Blog http://coderpirata.blogspot.com.br/
Twitter https://twitter.com/coderpirata
Google+ https://plus.google.com/103146866540699363823
Pastebin http://pastebin.com/u/CoderPirata
Github https://github.com/CoderPirata/