Releases: CodevDynamics/Codev-APM
Releases · CodevDynamics/Codev-APM
- Power on, led will light immediately.
- Do not allow to power off when armed(Ignore the power button).
- log the motor status in the logfile; include:
- send out the motor status through mavlink2
- Codevdp1000: modify the SYSID_MYGCS to 1
2: update the board id to 1039(AP_HW_ARGOSDYNE_DP1000)
3: hwdef.dat: enable the beacon
4: Change APM params according to ARGOSDYNE's ones.
version: release version 'ArduCopter V4.0.7-dp1000v1.2'
1: add the led control status
2: add the soft land area