This is the code repository for the ACL paper QuASE: Question-Answer Driven Sentence Encoding. If you use this code for your work, please cite
author = {Hangfeng He and Qiang Ning and Dan Roth},
title = {{QuASE: Question-Answer Driven Sentence Encoding}},
booktitle = {Proc. of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},
year = {2020},
Play with our online demo.
Use virtual environment tools (e.g miniconda) to install packages and run experiments
conda create -n quase python=3.6
pip install -r requirements.txt
Our pre-trained models can be found in the google drive.
Change the /path/to/data (/path/to/models) to your data (models) dir.
To reproduce our experiments based on the scripts:
sh scripts/
sh scripts/ (an example)
To reproduce the experiments based on the allennlp (go into the allennlp-experiments dir):
allennlp train /path/to/model/configuration -s /path/to/serialization/dir --include-package models
allennlp train coref_bert.jsonnet -s coref-bert --include-package models (an example)
To reproduce the experiments based on the flair (go into the flair-experiments dir):
To train a s-QuASE/p-QuASE with your own QA data (SQuAD format):
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
The SRL metric implementation (SpanF1Measure) does not exactly track the output of the official PERL script (is typically 1-1.5 F1 below), and reported results used the official evaluation script (allennlp-experiments/