Please follow the Magento install instructions mentioned here: download magento documentation or direct link:
View this Cointopay payment plugin on MARKETPLACE.MAGENTO.COM:
- Magento 2.*
- PHP >= 5.6.0
- Magento version as specified in composer.json of this project
- Cointopay account (Account registration)
composer require cointopay/paymentgateway
bin/magento module:enable Cointopay_PaymentGateway --clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Once installed, this module can be configured in the usual way by logging into the Magento admin area and navigating to:
Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Cointopay International
More details are available in the Cointopay:
Please contact for feature requests and/or incidents, or create a ticket here:
We are an international crypto currency payment processor, meaning that we accept payments from your customers and make the funds available to you (incl. in form of fiat currency like euro). The direct integration with Magento provides you with a seamless payment experience while underlying dealing with diverse and complex blockchain technologies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Neo, Dash, Ripple and many more. P.S. If you want your own crypto currency to become available in this plugin, we can provide that for you as well, Cointopay has been a technological payment incubator since 2014!