added: mechanisme to permanently cache widgets based on their handler
added: support for object/thewire entities
added: composer support
added: widget edit and delete icon now only show when hovering widget
changed: reorganized javascript
changed: Simplepie library is now loaded by composer
changed: delayed loading of the AMD modules to document ready to prevent conflicts
fixed: correctly ajax load search results for user_search widget
fixed: performance of rss server widget
fixed: replaced deprecate ->get calls with variable variables
fixed: replaced deprecated use of class in ElggMenuItem::factory
fixed: output/confirmlink deprecation notices
fixed: content by tag widget case insensitive tag search
fixed: moved favorites toggle action file to correct location
fixed: non admins can not correctly manage widgets on landing pages
fixed: twitter search embed code parsing failed
fixed: use input/text view to output search input on addpanel
You can’t perform that action at this time.