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Repository for Correlator Convolutional Neural Networks


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Correlator Convolutional Neural Networks: Interpretable Shallow ConvNets For Physical Data

This repository contains code used to produce the main results of the papers:

  1. "Machine learning discovery of new phases in programmable quantum simulator snapshots" (2021)
  2. "Correlator Convolutional Neural Networks As An Interpretable Architecture for Image-like Quantum Matter Data" (2021)

Requirements, Reproducibility

To run our code, the following libraries are required:

    numpy, torch, matplotlib, scikit-learn, tqdm

We have taken as many steps to allow direct reproducibility as possible, though the Pytorch documentation does not guarantee completely reproducible training runs across different hardware. We include information about specific Python and Torch versions below, as well as hardware information, though it should work on any Python or Torch of higher versions.

    GPU: Quadro GV100
    Python: 3.83
    torch: 1.5.0

The commits used to produce the results of each paper have been tagged by the corresponding arXiv ID.

(1) Detecting phases in square-lattice Rydberg-atom snapshots

Rydberg Machine Learning Overview

In this paper, we use our interpretable convolutional networks to characterize different phases which appear in a square-lattice Rydberg Hamiltonian, realized by a programmable quantum simulator. We take a two-stage approach. First, an unsupervised algorithm is used to determine the number of phases present and their rough regions of support in parameter space. It is not crucial that this stage is fully interpretable - we can think of it as providing a "suggested" phase diagram to follow up on. In the second phase, we try to nail the phase diagram and figure out exactly what each phase is by training fully-interpretable classifiers to classify snapshots sampled from each phase against snapshots from all other phases. The first stage informs us as to where we should be sampling to form the training datasets for each phase.

To discover how many phases exist in the first place (and get some insight into some of them), we first do some simple unsupervised learning:

  1. Perform some feature engineering by measuring average Fourier intensities of the snapshots, under a normalization scheme which ensures the intensities are invariant under mean density shifts.
  2. Perform PCA as a dimensionality reduction, and to visualize how the intensities vary across parameter space.
  3. Cluster using a Gaussian mixture model.

A heuristic which informs us as the correct number of clusters for step 3 is the Bayesian information criterion. Though, we emphasize that this unsupervised stage is where it is critical to have a "physicist in the loop". For different systems, the feature engineering stage will be entirely different, or more complex dimensionality reduction techniques than PCA may be necessary.

Our entire unsupervised pipeline is implemented by scripts/, which needs only the path to the directory containing the Rydberg snapshots. (Data to be made public soon.)

At this point, we have a rough idea of how many phases are present in the diagram, and perhaps some clues as to what some of the phases are. Different unsupervised approaches will vary in their interpretability and the exact proposed phase diagrams. We don't need interpretability from the unsupervised stage -- that's what the second stage is for. Though, it certainly is nice!

In the second stage, we characterize and obtain order parameters for each phase by training interpretable classifiers. The script performs this by training CCNNs to classify each phase individually against all of the rest of the phases ("One-vs-Rest"/"OVR" training). For details on the CCNN architecutre, see the paper.

Rydberg CCNN

This script requires a config file which provides various information - where the data resides, which model to use, parameters for that model, where to write logs, etc. Example configuration files are in config/. After training, the final trained model is saved into model/.

Scripts and notebooks which help interpret models reside in scripts/ and notebook/, respectively. All scripts can be run with the -h flag to provide a helper message providing usage details. (Notebook to be pushed soon.)

(2) Classifying ansatz states of the Fermi-Hubbard model

Correlator Convolutional Neural Network Architecture

This was the first paper where we introduced the CCNN architecture, and applied it to discriminate quantum snapshots sampled from two quantum state ansatzes for the lightly doped Fermi-Hubbard model. The trained model is thoroughly interrogated using LASSO regularization path analysis, revealing the multi-spin motifs characterizing each quantum state.

The main scripts to interact with are and, with extra scripts providing helper utilities residing in scripts/. All scripts can be run with the -h flag to provide a helper message providing usage details. The script has been updated to accept config files just as the script for paper (1) does. The config which reproduces the paper is config/string_pi.ini.

Data Layout

The string_pi.ini config assumes data resides in a directory named QGasData living in the same directory as the repository. However, this can be changed by editing the config to point to the data directory. Within this directory, different datasets are assumed to live in separate directories, each prefixed with Dataset, following by the name of the dataset.

Within each of these directories, data files can be named anything, as long as they are suffixed with the doping level, such as datafile_d9.pkl for a file containing 9% doping data.

An example layout is below:


Each of these .pkl files contain a serialized dictionary containing the snapshots and the indices defining the train/val split of the structure:

    "snapshots": List[np.ndarray[Float64]],
    "train_idxs": np.ndarray[Int],
    "val_idxs": np.ndarray[Int],

When running the main scripts, the two datasets to classify between are set by the flags -a and -b, and the doping level by --doping-level. For the above directory layout, we can classify between 9% doping String and Pi data using the flags -a String -b Pi --doping-level 9.0.

Phase 1:

This script implements the first phase of training, where a CCNN is trained to classify between two sets of data. Many hyperparameters can be set using command line arguments, see the output of running with the -h flag. The model examined in Figs. 3 and 4 was produced using the command:

python3 -a FullInfoAS -b FullInfoPi --batch-size 1024 --epochs 1000 --lr 0.005 --l1-loss 0.005 --num-filts 2 --seed 4444

Alternatively, just supply the path to the string_pi.ini config.

This script will log information about its progress both to stdout and a logfile in the directory specified by --log-root (by default, log/). After completion, a saved model will be output to the directory specified by --save-root (by default, model/).

To look at the learned filters, run the script scripts/ on the saved model to examine, which will extract the filters to a serialized numpy array whose name is given as an argument. An example execution is:

python3 ./scripts/extract_filts filter_file_name.npy

These filters can be visualized using ./scripts/plot_filters.npy, making sure to provide the --correlator argument to take the absolute value, and scale each filter, etc., to accurately represent each pixel's importance.


Phase 2:

This script implements the second phase, producing regularization paths from a trained CCNN. This script can be run as python3 <model_file> <lo_log_lamb> <hi_log_lamb>, where <model_file> is the .pt file produced following training and lo_log_lamb, hi_log_lamb are the lower and upper bounds on the log(1/lambda) to explore.

Other important keyword arguments include --steps which sets how many gridpoints are evalauted in log space between log(1/lo_log_lamb) and log(1/hi_log_lamb), and --save which saves the results to a file with the given prefix. For example, running with --save paths/reg_path will produce files paths/reg_path.pkl and paths/reg_path.png, the first being a pickled dictionary of results and the second being a plot of the regularization path. The scaling of the loss on each order as described in Sec.II of the supplement can be set using --scale-loss 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3.

This plot can be re-generated using scripts/, passing the produced .pkl file as an argument and setting --correlator to get appropriate coloring.


A legend of the color coding when the --correlator argument is set is below. If you use more filters or orders than this (or any of the X's), it will still plot, but those lines could be any color.


Repository for Correlator Convolutional Neural Networks







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