This project contains 3 sub-projects :
- collabora-platform-extension : extension for Alfresco Content Services
- collabora-share-extension : extension for Share interface
- collabora-aca-extension : extension for Angular interface, Alfresco Content Application
If the user has the write permission, the extension adds an action Edit with Collabora™ Online
on documents which can be opened with Collabora Online.
The document will be opened in an iFrame. Many users can open the same document at the same time.
You can clone the project and compile all projects :
git clone
cd alfresco-collabora-online
./ build
Before version 6.x, compile with only java8
profile :
mvn clean package -P '!java11',java8
Add collabora-platform-extension-<version>
.jar in the folder INSTALL_DIR/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib
You must configure the following properties in
From version 0.3.1
onwards :
Prior to version 0.3.1
From version 0.4.1
onwards, there are a job that clean obsolete locks. To configure the job you can define in
the following properties : 0/5 * * * ?
Add collabora-share-extension-<version>.jar
in the folder INSTALL_DIR/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib
Install the library collabora-aca-extension-<version>-dist.tgz
in your project alfresco-content-application
cd ~/alfresco-content-application
npm install
npm run ng add ~/alfresco-collabora-online/collabora-aca-extension/target/collabora-aca-extnsion-<version>-dist.tgz
Modify the app.extensions.json
file in the folder src/assets
"$references": [..., "collabora-online.plugin.json"],
Add the CollaboraOnlineModule
in the extensions.module.ts
file in the folder src/app/
import { CollaboraOnlineModule } from '@jeci/collabora-online-extension';
imports: [..., CollaboraOnlineModule]
Since version 0.3.0, it is possible to replace the standard viewer by collabora online in mode read-only for supported format.
For that you must add the module ViewerCollaboraModule
in viewer.module.ts
file in the folder src/app/components/viewer
import { ViewerCollaboraModule } from '@jeci/collabora-online-extension';
imports: [
Add the component viewer-collabora-online
in viewer.component.html
file in in the folder src/app/components/viewer
<!-- Viewer collabora -->
<adf-viewer-extension [supportedExtensions]="supportedExtensions" #extension>
<ng-template let-urlFileContent="urlFileContent">
<viewer-collabora-online urlFileContent="urlFileContent" [nodeId]="nodeId"></viewer-collabora-online>
Define the extensions supported by Collabora Online in viewer.component.ts
file in the folder src/app/components/viewer
import * as utilsCollabora from '@jeci/collabora-online-extension';
supportedExtensions: string[] = [];
ngOnInit() {
this.supportedExtensions = utilsCollabora.getExtensions();
Define the extensions supported by Collabora Online in app.config.json
"collabora": {
"enable": true,
"edit": [ ... ],
"view": [ ... ]
Add the extensions list in viewer.component.ts
file in the folder src/app/components/viewer
import { CollaboraOnlineService } from '@jeci/collabora-online-extension';
supportedExtensions: string[] = [];
private collaboraOnlineService : CollaboraOnlineService,
ngOnInit() {
this.supportedExtensions = this.collaboraOnlineService.getExtensions();
You can start the application for local test with docker-compose.
pip install docker-compose
./ build_start
To compile and reload a project independently you can use :
# Build and reload only Alfresco Content Services
./ reload_acs
# Build and reload only Alfresco Share
./ reload_share
Then you can access applications :
- ACS : http://localhost:8080/alfresco
- Share : http://localhost:8080/share
- ACA : http://localhost:8080/
Version | Commits |
0.1.0 | Beta version |
0.2.0 | Delete Close button in iFrame Collabora Online |
Add action fullscreen | |
0.2.1 | Add translations for Share and Alfresco Content Application interface (Hungarian, Turkish, Polish, Ukrainian, Spanish, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch, Hebrew Japanese, Slovak, English New Zealand, Icelandic, Portuguese Brazil, Croatian) |
0.3.0 | Add a viewer with Collabora Online |
0.3.1 | Refactoring |
Back implementation for save as action ( On front this action is disabled waiting the front implementation ) | |
0.4.0 | Soft lock - Replace LoolMonitor. Display in Share interface a banner when the file is already editing by another user. |
0.4.1 | Add a job to clean the locks that are no longer valid |
0.4.2 | Update of file formats accepted by collabora 6.4.9 for view or edit mode |
Fix synchronisation banners which appears in Alfresco Share 6 | |
0.4.3 | Update of file formats accepted by collabora 6.4.11 for view or edit mode |
0.5.0 | Fix the bug to open big files |
Action SaveAs is enabled | |
Update of file formats accepted by collabora | |
Change the position the icon to edit with collabora online | |
0.5.1 | Open files directly in edit mode when the format allows it |
Configure the extensions that can be opened or edited with Collabora Online in app.config.json . |
0.5.2 | Looks like last CODE release (21.11) change the date format used for timestamp |
0.6.0 | Update to Alfresco SDK 4.4, Alfresco ACS 7.2 and Alfresco Share 7.2 |
Add script to help beginners. | |
0.7.0 | Add new header to manage aspect and properties |
Use Wopi protocol to pass the fully username | |
Code quality | |
Fix nullPointerException | |
0.7.1 | Add build amp |
1.0.0 | Use lockService instead of the collabora aspect |
Create the rendition after changes | |
1.0.1 | Fix the error to open collabora online in french |
This project is maintained by Jeci a french company that specializes in Free and Open Source technologies (FLOSS).
For any question or professional services, please send us an email