A simple application that allows users to manage PTZ Optics cameras and OBS Studio scene switching with a simple click of a button
You can skip the python setup section by downloading the latest release of the program here
If you'd like to play with the source directly, clone the repository to a folder you'd like to use for the program and follow along with all steps below.
- Install Python 3.6+ 64bit
- Create a python venv called "PTZCamSync" and activate it.
- Run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
in this new command prompt to install all dependencies
- Install the OBS Websocket program from here and configure it
- Create your scenes you wish to use and note their names down somewhere
Follow your user manual on how to configure your PTZ Optics Camera and set presets. Make sure you note down the preset numbers for use later in configuring the program
See the configuration guide where it shows you how to configure your settings for the program