Releases: CompEvol/beast2
Releases · CompEvol/beast2
BEAST 2.4.7
Relabel buttons: "Guess" is now "Auto configure" in tip dates panel. "+" button on priors panel is now "+ Add Prior".
More sensible default date value for taxa without date specified in tip dates panel.
Make sure the appropriate tree is used in MRCAprior.
Make sure tips with 'fixed' distributions imported from Nexus do not get estimated.
Robustify NEXUS parser.
Taxa could be duplicated in taxon list in NexusParser.
Prevent accidentally cloning of up-down-all operator in StarBeast.
Default locale set to english so full stops are used in NEXUS output.
Warn if Yule (or BD) conditions on root, but no root MRCAPrior is set.
Robustify resume
Suppress "Overwrite (Y/N)?" message when BEAST runs in console.
Stop chain when encountering a +infinity posterior.
Check that taxon set is specified when using RandomTree.
Normalise stateNodes so XML characters ('"&<>) get escaped properly when writing state files.
Improved formatting of app list.
Now adds common ancestor height estimates as attributes.
API updates:
Changed access levels of a few methods in nexus parser.
Add Tree scale and ScaleOperator test.
Add new Tree constructor from root node.
Add support for input/output of non-binary trees.
Add Input.set() method.
BeautiAlignmentProvider getAlignments method added to facilitate scripting.
TreeParser correctly parses tree edge length metadata, and improved error reporting.
BEAST 2.4.6
Starting trees can now be edited (default random, choice of cluster and newick trees)
Allow alignments to be replaced, so old analyses can be used for new data
Fix fasta file import bug that marked sequences as amino acid while it should be nucleotide
Keep trees linked when splitting alignment on codon positions
Automatically set estimate flag on shape when choosing rate categories
Fix display of integer alignments
Better documentation
More robust XMLParser
Prevent double counting of offset in ParametricDistribution.sample
DensiTree version updated to v2.2.6
BEAST 2.4.5
Clone fix that deals with edited priors
Package manager can now install specific package versions, not only the latest
Improved data type guessing on importing FASTA files
Log MRCAPriors imported through NEXUS files
Added -strictversions flag to indicate only package versions specified in XML should be loaded.
Tree parser fixes
StarBeastStartState now takes bounds of parameters it sets in account
Allow nested operator schedules
Improved error reporting
Package manager
Added -version flag to specify exactly which package version to install.
Now calculates 2D HPDs by default (for phylogeography analyses)
Added -nohpd2D flag to suppress 2D HPD calculation
Added -noSA flag to suppress tree set being seen as that of a sampled ancestor analysis
BEAST 2.4.4
Fix that prevented starting any BEAST application on Mac Sierra
Smooth out some issues with importing Nexus files in BEAUti
TreeAnnotator fix for use with user defined trees to annotate
Allow smaller log files by logging fewer significant digits of metadata
More details here.
BEAST 2.4.3
Support for tip date sampling by setting 'tipsonly' in MRCA Priors
Allow packages to specify priors, e.g. multi-monophyletic constraints in BEASTLabs, geographical priors in GEO_SPHERE
Allow packages to specify file importers, which allows microsattelite support through the BEASTvntr package
Gamma distribution allows multiple parameterisations
Packages used now encoded in XML, for better error reporting of missing packages
Better looking on high-res screens
Package Manager
Links to documentation available
Better layout
allow multiple citations per class
allow trait sets with unspecified dates
allow multiple arguments to Sum
improved error reporting
TreeAnnotator fix for phylogepgraphy in low-mem mode.
LogCombiner suppress duplicate '=' in tree output
BEAST 2.4.2
Applications can be scaled, making them visible on high resolution screens
improved error reporting
improved error reporting
prevent closing window on parsing errors
LogCombiner requires much less memory than before
DensiTree updated to version 2.2.5
BEAST 2.4.1
import of calibrations from NEXUS files
add App Launcher menu
make missing *BEAST template available again
save in old style XML, with less restricions on taxa names
Streamlined upgrades of BEAST
improved BEAGLE library loading from CLI
test for spurious CUDA drivers on OSX, which used to cause a crash, but now provides instructions on how to solve this
improved operator tuning for slightly better performance
improved error reporting
LogAnalyser shows progress on CLI again by default
BEAST 2.4.0
BEAST improved performance
up to 2x faster when using proportion invariant sites
improved threading support
"instances" flag replaces beagle_instances
faster MRCAPrior handling
StartBeastStartState works with calibrations with other than CalibratedYule
show mean of parametric distributions in priors panel
better taxon management preventing adding numbers to taxon names
improved layout tip dates panel
improved package list errors
*BEAST clock cloning fix
Allow setting branch length as substitution option on tree logger
Improved JSON support
Package manager
Allow BEAST to be upgraded as a package
Improved GUI
For developers:
BEAST 2.3.3 prerelease
BEAST 2.3.3 prerelease
BEAST 2.3.2 release
path corrected so Standard and StarBeast templates are visible under templates menu
import of traits from file when partitions are split fixed
cloning of scripts with partition information fixed
set up weights of FixedMeanRate operator when ascertainment correction is applied
allows ParameterInputEditor to edit Parameter inputs
add "-validate" command line option for parsing XML files without running them
more efficient MRCAPrior
more robust RandomTree
ensured logcombiner burn in editing finished properly
LogAnalyser now has one line per file mode, and CLI script added for ease of launch
More sensible error messages (in TreeParser, RPNCalculator, NodeReheight, and more).