This project is part of the project.
The EZ (pronounced EeZee) programming language is designed to allow us to learn various compiler techniques.
The EZ programming language is a tiny statically typed language with syntax inspired by Swift. The language has the following features:
- Integer, Struct and 1-Dimensional Array types
- If and While statements
- Functions
The language syntax is described ANTLR Grammar. The language is intentionally very simple and is meant to have just enough functionality to experiment with compiler implementation techniques.
The project is under development and subject to change. At this point in time, we have following initial implementations:
- lexer - a simple tokenizer
- parser - a recursive descent parser and AST
- types - the type definitions
- semantic - semantic analyzer
- stackvm - a compiler that generates IR for a stack based virtual machine
- registervm - a compiler that generates a so called three-address IR and an interpreter that can execute the IR
- optvm - an optimizing compiler (WIP) that supports SSA.
- seaofnodes - a compiler that will generate Sea of Nodes IR (planned)
The project is educational, with a focus on exploring various compiler algorithms and data structures. Clarity and simplicity is preferred over a coding style that attempts to do micro optimizations.
Contributions that improve the quality of the implementation, add test cases / documentation or fix bugs, are very welcome. I am not keen on language extensions at this stage, but eventually we will be extending the language to explore more advanced features.
I am also interested in porting this project to C++, Go, Rust, Swift, D, C, etc. If you are interested in working on such a port please contact me via Discussions.
There is a community discussion forum.
The project has only just got started, there is lots to do!. See the plan in the website. More documentation to follow, but for now please refer to the source code and the site above.