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Proxmox Terraform provider for ComputeStacks


Create Terraform User

SSH into the proxmox host and run:

Create the User and permissions

pveum role add TerraformProv -privs "Datastore.AllocateSpace Datastore.Audit Pool.Allocate Sys.Audit VM.Allocate VM.Audit VM.Clone VM.Config.CDROM VM.Config.CPU VM.Config.Cloudinit VM.Config.Disk VM.Config.HWType VM.Config.Memory VM.Config.Network VM.Config.Options VM.Monitor VM.PowerMgmt Sys.Console Sys.Modify VM.Migrate SDN.Use"

Set the password: This won't be used.

pveum user add terraform-prov@pve --password CHANGEME

Update ACLs:

pveum aclmod / -user terraform-prov@pve -role TerraformProv

Create API Credentials

pveum user token add terraform-prov@pve cstacks --privsep=0

Update the terraform.tfvars values as follows:

proxmox_api_token_id => full-tokenid
proxmox_api_token_secret => value

Are you using a self-signed certificate for proxmox? If yes, also adjust proxmox_insecure_ssl to true.

Setup Proxmox Debian Template

SSH into the proxmox host and run the following commands, while taking care to change the following values to match your environment:

  • Name: Replace tmpl-debian-12.
  • ID: Replace 999.
  • Disk Location: Replace local-lvm.
  • Network Bridge: Replace vmbr0.
qm create 999 --name tmpl-debian-12 \
              --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 \
              --ostype l26 \
              --cpu host \
              --boot c \
              --bootdisk scsi0 \
              --serial0 socket \
              --vga serial0 \
              --agent enabled=1

Import the disk and convert the virtual machine to a template.

qm importdisk 999 debian-12-computestacks.qcow2 local-lvm
qm set 999 --scsihw virtio-scsi-single \
           --scsi0 local-lvm:vm-999-disk-0,discard=on,iothread=1,ssd=1 \
           --ide2 local-lvm:cloudinit
qm template 999


Setup your parameters

  • Copy to and (optionally) uncomment the cloudflare section if you want DNS settings (see below).
  • Copy terraform.tfvars.sample to terraform.tfvars and add all required parameters. (You can see a list of all available options and help text in the file

Automated DNS Setup

We have provided an example cloudflare file ( that you can use to automate the provisioning of DNS records. You may also use that as a guide for use with your dns provider of choice. Alternatively, this terraform package will output the required DNS settings to result/dns_settings.txt after provisioning.

To enable automated cloudflare dns configuration:

  1. Edit and ensure the required_providers block includes cloudflare. (There is an example in that file).
  2. Copy to
  3. Generate an api token with Cloudflare that includes write permissions to the domain.
  4. Add cloudflare_api_token and cloudflare_account_id to your terraform.tfvars file. The Account ID can be found on the main zone overview page in your cloudflare account (scroll down).

Run Terraform

  • terraform init to install required modules.
  • terraform apply to build your servers.


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