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Server: Inactivity Monitor

ComputerMaster1st edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 6 revisions

User Inactivity Monitor

The Inactivity Monitor simply monitors all users within the server/guild and marks them as inactive after a set amount of days has gone past. The user is required to have Manage Guild/Server permissions and Railgun is required to have Manage Roles & Kick Members permissions. You MUST create an inactive role and have it set along with enabling the monitor and setting the inactive threshold. The kick threshold is optional. You may whitelist users/roles if needed. Railgun must be in a role that is higher than the inactive role.

PLEASE NOTE : Please expect the monitor to be slow with higher user count.

Extra Note : You may shorten inactive-monitor to inactive or imon for commands.

rginactive-monitor enable

Enables/Disabled the monitor.

rginactive-monitor role <@role/role name>

Set the inactive role either by mentioning it or writing it's name.

rginactive-monitor initialize

Populate the monitor with all users within the server. You should use this command when you first setup the monitor. If you reset the monitor, you'll have to use this command again.

rginactive-monitor list

List all users that are being monitored. This will also show all inactive users.

rginactive-monitor threshold inactive <days>

Set the number of days after last active to auto-assign inactive role.

rginactive-monitor threshold kick <days>

Set the number of days after last active to auto-kick user.

rginactive-monitor kick inactive

Kick all inactive users manually. This may take a while to execute. We recommend you set the kick threshold to enable auto-kick.

rginactive-monitor whitelist user <@user>

Add/Remove user to/from whitelist.

rginactive-monitor whitelist role <@role/role name>

Add/Remove role to/from whitelist.

rginactive-monitor show

Show current configuration.

rginactive-monitor reset

Reset the configuration & disable the monitor.