Welcome to the Python authentication library! This library allows you to install the file and have access to functions like, login, signup, reset password ect. This repo is being updated when required.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See the examples / usage section on how to use the project on a live system.
What things you need to install for this library to work
Python 3.4 Or Above
A step by step tutorial that will tell you how to get the library running
First of all download the latest release! You can do this by clicking the button below:
- Open the .ZIP and drag the loginSystem.py to your project directory
- Inside your project at the top add
from loginSystem import *
from loginSystem import * # Loads the login library
signup() # Will return True or the error message thrown by the function
login() # Will return True or "incorrectinfo" or "noaccount" depending on the error.
checkLoggedIn() # Will return True of False
passwordReset() # Will return True or "noemail" or "wrongsecurityquestionanswer"
print(sessionInfo["username"]) # Will return the current logged in users, username
logout() # Will return True or "notloggedin"
Contact me on discord: Paint#0001
Email Me: connor.coleman2002@gmail.com
Current Version: 1.1.0
- Email With Password reset will have a subject line