Minor update • 23/02/2024
This update includes the following features / fixes / changes:
- Discord rich presence now shows number of passthrough devices
- Fairly large documentation update
- Changed the way the XML converter interprets the VM name
- AutoPilot now hands off entire XML conversion to XMLC, rather than integrated (#70 by @dvdmuckle)
- Fixed an issue where AutoPilot would crash with a TypeError (#70)
- Fixed an issue where XMLC may try to import the XML twice (#70)
- Fixed capitalisation in Extras menu
- AutoPilot summary main menu keybind updated in line with other menus
- Extremely long boot time on macOS Ventura and later can be fixed by removing the
boot argument - invalid literal; "
To see individual code changes, visit the project's commits page at https://github.com/Coopydood/ultimate-macOS-KVM/commits/main
Remember, commits by Coopydood will always be signed as 4CD28348A3DD016F or GitHub's public key.