Welcome to the CU Quantum Computing Association's Qiskit Fall Fest event page!
The Qiskit [kiss-kit] Fall Fest is a mixture of hackathons, challenges, and workshops related to quantum computing, held at various universities around the world. We are proud to be supported by IBM Quantum and their quantum software devlopment kit, Qiskit.
Our Fall Fest event will involve guided challenges & workshops. It will be held in-person on the Cornell Ithaca campus in Phillips 203, from 10am-4pm. All guided challenges will be written in Python using Qiskit.
To recieve the most up to date information on CU QCA and Fall Fest 2023, join the listserv (for Cornell University students only), at which point you'll receive an invite to our Discord server. Discord is our main method of communication.
Feel free to email cuquantumcomputing@gmail.com with any questions, or post a question in our Discord server.
- Kickoff for Qiskit Fall Fest
- Intro to the Quantum Computing Association
- A brief introduction to the field of quantum computing
- Intro to Qiskit
- Introduction to our Challenge Tracks (3 Levels of Difficulty)
- "Qubit" (Level 1)
- "Schrödinger's Cat" (Level 2)
- "Superposition" (Level 3)
- Guided Setup of Qiskit Environment
- Start on Challenge Track Notebooks!
- Lunch (provided for free)
- Social Activity
- Continue with Challenge Track Notebooks!
- Special Topics (voting to choose what to discuss, see example topics below)
- Physical realizations of qubits
- Applications of quantum computing
- Companies involved in the quantum computing industry
- Quantum Computing Trivia
- Closing Remarks
- Recap of what we did/learned
- Staying involved with QCA
- Further resources