🚧 Currently under Development 🚧
- This will be an app to save and share recipes that my family uses. Now they can all be in one singular spot not all over the place!
- Serilog for logging
- Swagger testing the api / Documenting it
- Postman for more in depth testing of my API
- CosmosDB docs for the Database layer, this is new to me so still learning this
- Bootstrap for styling
- FamilyRecipes.API -> .NET6 Web API (MVC style)
- FamilyRecipes.WebApp -> The FrontEnd, a Blazor Web App interacts with the API
- FamilyRecipes.Tests -> the XUnit part to run tests on my project
- Cosmos DB on Azure -> The NOSQL DB to store data
- Azure Blob Storage for images
- add in Authentication and Authorization docs
- demo images from lorem picsum
- Add links to images in the NOSQL document that ties to Azure Blob storage https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/blob-upload-function-trigger?tabs=azure-portal