!! Major breaking change !! 'start' and 'stop' calls have been deprecated. They will do nothing. The SDK will automatically track sessions based on the app's time in the foreground.
! Minor breaking change ! Remote config will now return previously downloaded values when remote-config consent is not given
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session is already started, it will not be possible to call "BeginSession" without stopping the previous one. Android only.
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session has not been started, it will not be possible to call "UpdateSession". Android only.
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session has not been started, it will not be possible to call "EndSession". Android only.
The feedback widget API can now interact with Rating widgets
When getting the feedback widget list, the "tag" field (accessed with the "tg" key) is also returned
Adding remaining request queue size information to every request
Adding SDK health check requests after init
in config -
Fixed bug in Android where recording views would force send all stored events
Updated underlying Android SDK version to 23.8.2
Updated underlying iOS SDK version to 23.8.2