Countly Version 22.09.8
- [dashboards] date picker doesn't fit into the view in dashboards
- [dashboards] fixed date formats for monthly selection in widgets
- [dashboards] provided chart refresh after changing time bucket for specific widgets
- [hooks] configurable rate limiter for hooks implemented
- [hooks] sanitize email HTML input
- [push] streaming timeouts handling
- [render] added configurationsView checks not to break server side rendering
- [settings] search in settings
Enterprise fixes:
- [cohorts] improved speed for loading cohort widgets in dashboards
- [data-manager] fixed for missing data type in user props
- [data-manager] fixed user properties sort
- [drill] adding stringified Drill query to the export file name
- [funnels] fixed for false error ouptut in logs if funnels dashboard widget does not have filter query
- [push_approver] correct members query
- [revenue] fixed revenue widgets metric selection
- [users] fixed user profiles consent table export exports ALL users, not only this one
- [users] change format for numbers in user profiles