TripWiz is a trip planner, mainly for city get-aways, where a suggested itinerary is provided to you based on a few of your preferences. User authentication is through facebook login, and the client interface is built on React with redux, while the backend is Rails with various google and amedeus API's attached.
- Ruby 2.5.1
- Rails 6.0.2
- rest-client
- rack-cors
- devise_token_auth
- amadeus
- omniauth-facebook
$ git clone
$ cd tripwiz_API
Install Rspec and dependencies
$ bundle
In console: Run Rspec
$ rspec
Head to the deployed address listed above, or your local host with frontend running, and have a look around.
- Monetization through subscriptions and Stripe payments
- Your trips saved to your account
- Suggestions for most booked destinations
- Hotel and flight booking through amadeus
Created under the MIT License.