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Courier Mobile App - Food Delivery

This is the courier mobile app of the project

Food Delivery Project

The project aims to simulate the whole process of food delivered from the time when customer makes the order, then the restaurant confirms and cooks the order, the order is finally delivery by the courier to the customer's destination. The project focuses on the order delivery tracking in real-time, so all customer, restaurant, courier will be informed of the order's status whenever it's status get updated by other entities. The project includes three separate mobile apps for couriers, customers, and restaurants.

The Food delivery project includes 5 repositories and was developed by Quan Doan and Hajri Mohamed.

  • Backend repository: Quan Doan
  • Backend v2 repository: Hajri mohamed
  • Customer mobile: Quan Doan
  • Restaurant mobile: Quan Doan
  • Courier mobile: Hajri Mohamed

Video demo for courier app


Features of CourierFrontend

  • User Authentication: courier can login or signup

  • Real-time Map: courier can see their current location, estimated times and pickup locations, and dropoff locations.

  • Order stages on BottomSheet: courier can go online offline, accept, or reject the receiving order, pickup, and drop off the order

  • Real-time Updates: courier can receive new orders, order status, error messages, ..etc

  • Hamburger Menu: courier can view stats and profile, change navigation, and logout

  • Dark-mode

Technologies for the project

  • SpringBoot, Spring Security, Maven
  • WebSocket
  • Apache Kafka
  • PostgresSQL
  • React-Native
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind CSS

Technologies for this repository

  • React-Native and Redux
  • Typescript
  • WebSockets


the courier mobile application done - Mo Hajri






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