is a library to automate options for libralry.
© 2018 Jorge Galán - OEG-UPM. Available under Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE
- Build a model from diferent articles thanks to librairy technology.
- Build a space to detect nearby points librairy technology.
- You need a persistent internet connection
- Make sure you have your own account on librairy, on sections Topics Discoverer and CRDC-based Vectorial Space
- To interact with the source code, you need the PDFExtractor library
Download a version of the librAlryConnection's jar from our releases page.
provides a command line application:
$java -jar librAlryConnection.jar --help
usage: PDFExtractor [-c <mail>] [-f <folder>] [-h] [-k <KeyWord>] [-m
<TRAINING|VECTOR|COMPLETE>] [-n <Number of PDF's>] [-p <librAlry
Password>] [-t <Training path>] [-u <librAlry user>] [-v <Vector
Mised argument
-c,--mail <mail> Email address to notify the user
of the topic construction
-f,--folder <folder> [REQUIRED] Path to the folder in
which the PDFs are located
-h,--help Indicate how yo use the program.
-k,--keyword <KeyWord> [REQUIRED] Keyword to use in
-m,--mode <TRAINING|VECTOR|COMPLETE> [REQUIRED] Indicates a mode of use
of the program:
TRAINING: Building a model with
VECTOR: Building points to
indicate whether the PDF belongs
or not
COMPLETE: Make the two previous
-n,--number <Number of PDF's> Number of PDF you want to upload
to your model. By default, all
those present in the folder are
-p,--password <librAlry Password> [REQUIRED] Password to use in
-t,--training <Training path> [REQUIRED] URL to build a model
with your topics
-u,--user <librAlry user> [REQUIRED] User to use in librAlry
-v,--vector <Vector path> [Required in VECTOR mode] URL to
upload your files to build the
Clone this repo and run:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
Then, get your own version of the jar in the project's target