Pre-release- Added batch commands: remove/add/reset all traffic lights. Commands can be found by clicking with the right mouse button on the Toggle Traffic Lights button. The button turns red and a menu appears on the left side of the screen.
Note: Batch commands apply to all present road intersections. It does not automatically remove lights in the future. So if you want no traffic lights at all click now and then on the remove traffic lights button
Note: All commands get execute directly after you clicked. There's no dialog asking if you really want to do this. There is no revert button to. So think twice before clicking! Of course you can always reset the traffic lights to their original state.
Note: Changes of road types do currently count as intersection. So the batch command "Add all traffic lights" does add lights to such places.
Note: Batch commands apply to roads outside of the buildable area too. So if you add lights to all intersections it will add lights to your connecting highways too. But there's really no good reason why somebody wants to add traffic lights to all intersections...