Configuration files.
package lists Zshell config Tmux config Neovim config i3 config Urxvct config Dunst config Bash config yapf style astyle formatting for c-like's
- Read the documentation for each file before using it
- Install the packages using the system's package manager (apt, pacman, etc.) and pip
- Run
to smylink config files
- Package lists are small, only including packages needed to setup the config files and basic diagnostics
- Zsh (shell) config uses Oh-My-Zsh which
will automatically install - Nvim relies on vim-plug for its plugins
- i3 (tiling window manager), Uxrvt (terminal emulator) and Dunst (notification server) should only be installed on machines which can use GUI's (i.e. not headless servers) and so are not included in
- I don't really use Bash (shell) so the config file is very under developed
- i3 relies on programs located in ~/bin which are not included in this repo, replaced these lines to avoid errors
- Urxvt & nvim rely on pywal to get their colour schemes