Releases: Cristianetaniguti/onemap
OneMap version 3.2.0
- Announce about MAPpoly included in the README and load message
- Fix "subscript out of bounds" warning while running rf_2pts
- Update vignettes
- Update tests
OneMap version 3.1.0
New preprint version describing modifications in OneMap:
Taniguti, C. H.; Taniguti, L. M.; Amadeu, R. R.; Lau, J.; de Siqueira Gesteira, G.; Oliveira, T. de P.; Ferreira, G. C.; Pereira, G. da S.; Byrne, D.; Mollinari, M.; Riera-Lizarazu, O.; Garcia, A. A. F. Developing best practices for genotyping-by-sequencing analysis using linkage maps as benchmarks. BioRxiv. -
New plot for cM x Mb relation (plot_genome_vs_cm)
New function to export to VIEWpoly (export_viewpoly)
New function to order markers by chromosome position (ord_by_geno)
New function to create map summary (summary_maps_onemap) - based on MAPpoly function
New function to an interactive edition of ordering (edit_order_onemap) - based on MAPpoly function
New function to export haplotype probabilities to QTLpoly (export_mappoly_genoprob)
Keep reference and alternative alleles information from imported VCF
Return parents haplotypes using reference and alternative alleles codification when outcross or f2 cross type
Functions to export and import reduced-size onemap R objects (save_onemap_sequences and load_onemap_sequences)
Add new author (Jeekin Lau 😄 )
OneMap version 3.0.0
- New preprint including OneMap updates:
Taniguti, C. H., Taniguti, L. M., Amadeu, R. R., Mollinari, M., Da, G., Pereira, S., Riera-Lizarazu, O., Lau, J., Byrne, D., de Siqueira Gesteira, G., De, T., Oliveira, P., Ferreira, G. C., &; Franco Garcia, A. A. Developing best practices for genotyping-by-sequencing analysis using linkage maps as benchmarks. BioRxiv.
- Functions to filter markers based on two-points estimations: filter_2pts_gaps and rf_snp_filter_onemap
- Optimization of find_bins and map_avoid_unlinked
- New function to save RAM memory after filters: keep_only_selected_mks
- Review spell_check
- Avoid -Inf likelihood resulted by increasing the tolerance value
- Fix bug in mds_onemap
- Updated vignettes
- Add parallelization.type argument to user choose between PSOCK and FORK
- vcfR as import
- remove unlist of rf_2pts
- Updated vignettes
- Github workflow
- Include hmm=FALSE option for ordering algorithms
- Removing MDSMap from dependencies
- HMM parallelization also available for Windows systems
- Add simulated data for tests purpose
- Add group_upgma function
- Add testthat tests
- Bug fix in functions
- Remove functions to perform simulations
- Remove updog and PedigreeSim dependency
- Edit haplotypes graphics