C++ containers, hard mode
- minitest
- container std98
- containet std11 I cannot comare, because I have my realization
- my test
- config.hpp - choose test you want
- use template and defined for all test
- use fork for compile and test and leaks
- support logs from compile and valgrind
- different parameters for leaks and main test
- random generated data at the begin of test container
- simple creat and add new test template - add new test to config file
- some test can be FAILED - it is OK
- capacity - it can be different managment memory
- max_size - it can be different structure
- erase for unordered_container - it can be different hash_table
- find/equal_range for unordered_multimap - key is the same, but value can be different
- my test bonus (container display)
- fibonacci heap
- unordered_set
- unordered_multimap
- unordered_map
make "container"
- escole42
- list
- deque
- vector
- map
- set
- multimap
- multiset
- stack
- queue
- priority_queue
- unorder_map
- unorder_set
- unordered_multimap
- unordered_multiset
- fibonacci_heap