The Crown Commercial Service's Contingency ID Service, for Conclave/PPG. A service to assign a ccs identifier to organisations that don't have a Companies House, Charities, NHS, or DUNs number.
For help or guidance in downloading and running the application, see the following subsections.
You must have npm (node package manager) and Nodejs installed on your system.
You must also have rails installed on your system.
Finally, you must have postgresql installed on your system.
- Clone/Download:
git clone
- Install:
bundle install
- Create, migrate and seed the database:
bundle exec rake db:setup
- Start:
rails s
Optional: Disable authorisation by commenting out before_validation line in app/contollers/identifiers/id/organisations_controller.rb
#before_action :validate_api_key
Endpoint | Action/Desc. | Full URI (hosted locally, for some port; e.g.: 3000) | Request Type |
Create: Creates PPON Number and returns JSON payload. |
Version | Date | Pull Request Number | Changes Description |
0.0.1 | 2022-04-20 | #1 |
0.0.2 | 2022-04-21 | #2 |
0.0.3 | 2022-04-21 | #3 |
Tom Berey; Lead Developer;;
Dom Sutcliffe; Developer;;
Sam Boothroyd; Developer;;