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Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/rel-6.5.2331'
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  • Loading branch information Jenkins Account committed Jan 9, 2024
2 parents 8ebc804 + 2d07040 commit 9e4cc5a
Showing 2 changed files with 47 additions and 14 deletions.
49 changes: 41 additions & 8 deletions R/api.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -39,27 +39,46 @@ crunchAPI <- function(
#' These methods let you communicate with the Crunch API, for more background
#' see [Crunch Internals](
#' @param ... see [`crunchAPI`] for details. `url` is the first
#' @param url,config,body,... see [`crunchAPI`] for details. `url` is the first
#' named argument and is required; `body` is also required for PUT,
#' PATCH, and POST.
#' @return Depends on the response status of the HTTP request and any custom
#' handlers.
#' @importFrom httpcache GET PUT PATCH POST DELETE
#' @name http-methods
#' @export
crGET <- function(...) crunchAPI("GET", ...)
crGET <- function(url, config = list(), ...) crunchAPI("GET", url, config = config, ...)
#' @rdname http-methods
#' @export
crPUT <- function(...) crunchAPI("PUT", ...)
crPUT <- function(url, config = list(), ..., body) {
crAutoDetectBodyContentType("PUT", url, config = config, ..., body = body)
#' @rdname http-methods
#' @export
crPATCH <- function(...) crunchAPI("PATCH", ...)
crPATCH <- function(url, config = list(), ..., body) {
crAutoDetectBodyContentType("PATCH", url, config = config, ..., body = body)
#' @rdname http-methods
#' @export
crPOST <- function(...) crunchAPI("POST", ...)
crPOST <- function(url, config = list(), ..., body) {
crAutoDetectBodyContentType("POST", url, config = config, ..., body = body)
#' @rdname http-methods
#' @export
crDELETE <- function(...) crunchAPI("DELETE", ...)
crDELETE <- function(url, config = list(), ...) crunchAPI("DELETE", url, config = config, ...)

# Helper to auto-detect json class in body to set content type
crAutoDetectBodyContentType <- function(httr.verb, url, config = list(), ..., body) {
ignore <- list(...)
if (!missing(body)) {
if (inherits(body, "json")) {
config <- c(add_headers(`Content-Type` = "application/json"), config)
crunchAPI(httr.verb, url, config, ..., body = body)
} else {
crunchAPI(httr.verb, url, config, ...)

#' Do the right thing with the HTTP response
#' @param response an httr response object
@@ -191,22 +210,36 @@ handleAPIfailure <- function(code, response) {
msg <- http_status(response)$message
msg2 <- NULL
if (code == 404) {
# Add the URL that was "not found" (there isn't going to be any
# useful response content message)
msg2 <- response$url
} else {
msg2 <- try(content(response)$message, silent = TRUE)
err_content <- try(content(response), silent = TRUE)
if (is.list(err_content)) {
# Most API errors have info in message
# But some are starting to wrap in a "crunch:error" with a description (and other keys,
# but we adapt to those on a case-by-case basis, like crunchAutomationErrorHandler)
if (is.character(err_content$message) && length(err_content$message) == 1) {
msg2 <- err_content$message
} else if (is.character(err_content$description) && length(err_content$description) == 1) {
msg2 <- err_content$description
if (!is.error(msg2)) {

if (!is.null(msg2)) {
msg <- paste(msg, msg2, sep = ": ")

if (code == 409 && grepl("current editor", msg)) {
"You are not the current editor of this dataset. `unlock()` ",
"it and try again."


12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions man/http-methods.Rd

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