The simulator is contained in the "simulator" folder of the repository. Default MEX files have been compiled for Windows machines. MEX files for macOS users are in the MACOS subfolder. The C sources of the MEX files are provided in the "simulator" folder.
Please refer to UserManual.pdf for instructions on how to use the simulator and for sample case studies.
How to cite:
Destro, F., Nagy, Z. K. and M. Barolo (2022). A benchmark simulator for quality-by-design
and quality-by-control studies in continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing ‒ Intensified
filtration-drying of paracetamol/ethanol slurries. Comput. Chem. Eng., 163, 107809.
The "advanced control" folder contains the files to be copied in the main simulator folder to run the advanced model-based control routines described in:
Destro, F., M. Barolo and Z. K. Nagy (2022). Quality-by-control of intensified continuous filtration-drying of active pharmaceutical ingredients. AIChE J ,e17926
To run the advanced control routines, an installation of the following MATLAB toolboxes is needed: Optimization Toolbox (version 9.1), System Identification Toolbox (version 9.15) and Adaptive Robust Numerical Differentiation Toolbox (version 1.6). Although any version of the toolboxes can be used, full reproducibility of the results of the paper is guaranteed only with the reported versions.
No toolbox is needed for running the basic simulator, contained in the "simulator" folder.