Using Unified Planning Library to parse PDDL and generate plans for PDSim
This project is now hosted on pypi
conda create -n pdsim python=3.11
conda activate pdsim
pip install pdsim-backend
python -m venv <directory>
- Windows(Powershell):
- Linux/macOS:
source <directory>/bin/activate
pip install pdsim-backend
from pdsim_backend import run_backend
run_backend(domain='./examples/pddl/blocks/domain.pddl', problem='./examples/pddl/blocks/problem.pddl')
- Provide your domain and problem files.
python --domain <domain_path> --problem <problem_path>
You can provide an optional --planner
flag, by default it'll use fast-downward, but the user will be prompted which planner is available for a specific problem.
- Embed pdsim server in your up problem definition.
from pdsim_unity import pdsim_upf
< your problem definition >
pdsim_upf(up_problem, planner_name)
This will create a server to communicate with unity and serve the protobuf representation of the problem and the generated plan.
PDSim will try to find the planner that suits best the planning problem provided and let you choose which one to run.
- FastDownward
- Tamer
- Pyperplan FUll list here