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Supporting code for the paper "Optimized Homomorphic Evaluation of Boolean Functions" published in TCHES2024


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  • The folder search_algorithm contains the implementations of the deterministic search alogorithn of Section 4 of the paper (and the heuristic presented in Appendix). Also it contains the execution of these algorith;s on the crypto primitives we considered in Section 6.

  • The folder aes contains the implementation of the algorithms presented in Section 5 splitting a Boolean circuits into evaluable Boolean functions. Also, these algorithms are applied to the use-case of AES presented at the end of the paper.

  • The folder implementations_crypto_primitives contains our fork of the library tfhe-rs ( We developed the module src/gadget to implement our framework. It also contains the implementations we present in Section 6 of the paper.

The necessary Python libraries to use the notebooks are specified in requirements.txt. It is recommended to use a virtual environment.


Supporting code for the paper "Optimized Homomorphic Evaluation of Boolean Functions" published in TCHES2024




