With using Truffle framework. Powered by Ethereum.
$ npm i -g truffle
$ npm i
Compile .sol files to bin format.
truffle compile --network <netName>
Push compiled contracts to Ethereum blockchain.
truffle migrate --network <netName> --reset
Set admin account, link and unpause them. Configuration in init.js script.
truffle exec scripts/init.js --network <netName>
Mint tokens.
truffle exec scripts/deploy.js --type <tokensType> --start <startId> --end <endId> --network <netName>
"1", ... ,"50"
startId, endId (part number in car *_tokens.json file, from 0 to 17). Without --start/--end deploy all tokens.
"type": "Positive number"
"type": "Positive number"
geth --testnet --syncmode "light" --rpc --rpcport 7545 --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcvhosts "*" --maxpendpeers 30
For Mainnet: remove --testnet