3D Logic-Based AI for Unity
- Unity Navmesh compatible
- No Plug-ins required
- Player and AI detection
- Random waypoints, set waypoints, and path system
- Ragdoll + animated deaths
- Melee Combat system
- Companion system
- Spawning system
- Make sure you have a blood pool and blood spatter particle system.
- Create all the required UI elements in world space and assign them as children to their respective AI (the Player can be the Camera).
- Double-check all fields that require a GameObject.
- Ensure that you are using the new Unity Input System.
- Make sure to set it to URP (Universal Render Pipeline).
- Tag: "GameController"
- Attach: AIControllerCore.cs
- Create 2 children objects (1 for each faction):
- Attach: FauxTarget.cs
- Set Faction: 0 (Ally), 1 (Enemy)
- Attach: AICore.cs
- Create child object:
- Attach: AIFollowControl.cs
- Create Ragdoll
- Tag: "Player"
- Attach: PlayerCore.cs
- Attach: AISpawner.cs
© Cursed Entertainment 2024