RoadMap(order doesn't correlate to next task) End dependency on Azure, and bring local support for emotion recognition. Using classes to better group functionality. GUI interface so software can be used by more teachers TensorFlow for better profile building and recognition Better Reports. Multi-Camera Support Raspberry Pi Support
- Training necessary before key features will work
Before Running
- Install OpenCV Python3 bindings
If using Windows, go to: If using Mac, go to: If using Linus, go to:
- Verify OpenCV works
From Terminal or Command Prompt: Enter python shell by entering "python" Type "import cv2"
If it fails, restart your computer and try again.
If it still fails, try the tutorial again and check that you installed OpenCV for python3
Clone Github project
Get A Microsoft Azure Face Trial Key
Go to: This will give you a 7 day trial key without having to enter in a credit card.
You may make an account and get a free key without being charged, but you will have to enter in a CC incase you use paid features.
Enter that subscription key in -> emotion(label) -> subscription_key = ''
Email Reports
Above the main loop toward the bottom of, there is a commented line that creates the object.
You need to send it the correct parameters: your email, password, and smtp server.
Then, go to the email-templates folder. The mycontacts.txt is where you will put the names and emails of who should receive email reports.
Quick Overview
Folders -> email-templates : basic templates used to send prefixed messages and contacts -> picture-data : where training images, emotion images, screenshots are stored. -> reports-data : attendance & emotion reports are stored.
Files -> : all code related to sending reports. -> : all code related to running the main app, facial detection, facial recognition. -> haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml : Data file used to train OpenCV face_recognizer on what a face looks like.
- Testing
To run, open terminal or command line. If using terminal, enter: python3 If using command line, enter: python
From there, follow console instructions.