This is an extension to the Unity Visual Scripting package, containing the following new nodes to build objects procedurally:
Node Name | Description |
Array | Create a variable amount of copies from a template object and positions them with a given offset |
Mirror | Create a copy of an object with inverted scale on one or multiple axes |
Merge | Group objects to let the next node process them as one unit |
Activate | Set an object (in-)active |
Position | Set the local position of an object |
Rotation | Set the local rotation of an object |
Scale | Set the local scale of an object |
Look At | Rotate an object so that it points its forward axis to a given point |
Some nodes sound so simple that you may wonder why you shouldn't just use the nodes built into the Visual Scripting package to do something like setting a position. The answer is that nodes of this package can revert changes they have done, allowing you to tear down parts or the entirety of your creations and reconstruct them with different input parameters. This is possible both in Edit and Play Mode, allowing you to iterate quickly.
In your project folder, simply add this to the dependencies inside Packages/manifest.json
"com.d4ku.geometry-nodes": ""
Alternatively, you can:
- Clone this repository
- In Unity, go to
>Package Manager
>Add Package from disk
- Select
at the root of the package folder
After installation, under Edit
> Project Settings
> Visual Scripting
press the button to (re-)generate your node library. You should now see the
Geometry Nodes category when adding new nodes in the Script Graph window.
Next to a Script Machine and Variables component, add a Geometry Machine component. Geometry Nodes are triggered by a Geometry Node Entry node, marking the starting point of the object construction. If the graph referenced in your Script Machine component contains such an entry node, a button named Initialize Geometry Nodes appears inside your Variables component. Press it and the Geometry Nodes inside the graph are executed. Press it again and their changes are reverted.
The Visual Scripting package is not designed to be executed in Edit mode. Should your Geometry Nodes be initialized, avoid to use the Undo (Ctrl + Z) function of Unity. It can lead to nodes disappearing. Clear (a.k.a. uninitialize) the nodes first via the button in the Variables component before undoing changes in your graph.