A hadoop implementation of the BTER graph generation algorithm based on that in http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/130914218
mvn assembly:assembly
For standalone hadoop:
java -cp target/bteronh-0.0.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar ldbc.snb.bteronh.BTERMain -P params.ini
For pseudo-/distributed hadoop:
hadoop jar target/bteronh-0.0.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar ldbc.snb.bteronh.BTERMain -P params.ini
These commands produce a file edge_0 in folder ./data/data
You can use the BTERonH as a library using the following maven repository
And add the project as a dependency
Supports the following options, which can be passed via the params.ini files using the -P option, or via command line using the -p option (-p "option:value").
- ldbc.snb.bteronh.generator.numThreads:X -- The number of threads to use. This also determines the number of output edge_* files.
- ldbc.snb.bteronh.generator.numNodes:X -- The number of nodes in the resulting graph
- ldbc.snb.bteronh.generator.seed:X -- The seed used to generate the graph.
- ldbc.snb.bteronh.serializer.workspace:X -- The folder used as workspace for BTERonH data will be output. Must be an HDFS folder, thus start with "hdfs://"
- ldbc.snb.bteronh.serializer.outputFileName:X -- The output file name. Must be an HDFS file, thus start with "hdfs://"
- ldbc.snb.bteronh.generator.degreeSequence:X -- The file containing the degree sequence to reproduce. Can be stored either in the local file system ("file://...") or in HDFS ("hdfs://..."). For examples see src/main/resources/degreeSequences
- ldbc.snb.bteronh.generator.ccPerDegree:X -- The file containing the list of avg. clustering coefficient per degree. Can be stored either in the local file system ("file://...") or in HDFS ("hdfs://..."). For examples see src/main/resources/degreeSequences For examples see src/main.resources/CCs
There is a tool for computing the degree distribution in a distributed way using hadoop, which is specially useful for large graphs.
hadoop jar target/bteronh-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar ldbc.snb.bteronh.tools.DegreeDistribution -inputfiles <list of edge list files> -outputfolder <hdfs folder where data will be output>
The tool will output several files containing the degree distribution. The tool accepts three options
- -inputfiles -- A list of files containing one edge per line (without repeated edges)
- -outputfolder -- The hdfs folder where the distribution will be output
- -numthreads -- Number of threads to use for the reducing phase