Unofficial and experimental python client for the Mandiant Advantage platform, starting with the Threat Intelligence endpoints.
pip install git+
Or use the older setuptools method. Warning: Deprecated
git clone
cd maapi
python install
Use -e
to install project in editable
mode for local development (i.e. setuptools "develop mode")
git clone
cd maapi
pip install -e .
For the python module, the examples and the CLI, make sure to set your API keys as environment variables
export MAV4_USER=2122...99
export MAV4_PASS=4991...78
Check out the examples folder to see basic usage.
python examples/
python examples/
python examples/
python examples/
python examples/
There is also a simple CLI to pull data from the Threat Intelligence API. The command is available as mati. Usage output and examples are below.
Usage: mati [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--debug / --no-debug
--help Show this message and exit.
actor Operations related to Actors
download Download data
indicator Operations related to an Indicator
malware Operations related to Malware
report Operations related to Reports
search Search the CTI
vuln Operations related to Vulnerabilties
The Download command is the first available command
Usage: mati download [OPTIONS]
Download data
--limit INTEGER Number of items to retrieve
--itemtype [indicator|actor|malware|vulnerability|report]
Item type to download
--start TEXT Specify start time in the format 'YYYY-MM-
--end TEXT Specify end time in the format 'YYYY-MM-
--destdir DIRECTORY If specified, output is written to disk, one
result per file.
--help Show this message and exit.
Search command is also available
Usage: mati search [OPTIONS] QUERY
Search the CTI
--limit INTEGER Number of items to retrieve
--itemtype [all|indicator|actor|malware|vulnerability|report]
Item type to download
--help Show this message and exit.
Using the CLI to get data, outputs to stdout. The API only supports date ranges for indicators, vulns and reports. By default, outputs to stdout but only the first page of data.
mati download --limit 5 --start 2022-04-01 --end 2022-04-02 --itemtype indicator
mati download --limit 5 --start 2022-04-01 --end 2022-04-02 --itemtype vulnerability
mati download --limit 5 --start 2022-04-01 --end 2022-04-02 --itemtype report
mati download --limit 5 --itemtype malware
mati download --limit 5 --itemtype actor
Download and save entries to disk rather than stdout. Saving to disk will paginate and save all of the entries between the date ranges.
mati download --limit 50 --start 2022-04-01 --end 2022-04-02 --itemtype indicator --destdir tmp
Search the data:
mati search --limit 5
mati search --limit 1 --itemtype indicator
Object specific modules for more detailed results on a specific item (actor, malware, indicator, vuln, report).
mati actor threat-actor--0cba715d-3d77-583d-8a07-ff63e480419e
mati actor threat-actor--0cba715d-3d77-583d-8a07-ff63e480419e --destdir examples/tmp
mati malware malware--51249602-4c6b-56a7-af93-239a770cda76
mati indicator ipv4--d5a34595-ab0d-54c4-8abb-6407d3e25f8e
mati vuln vulnerability--5d71741b-19cd-5f31-859c-f6e4534ab22d
mati report 22-00008562
Looking up by ID is limited in usefulness. Lookups can also be done by value.
mati indicator
mati indicator
mati indicator
mati indicator 6629090b695dc78e8ae5421ad4d0d25d
mati vuln CVE-2022-1052
mati actor APT26
mati actor UNC1149
mati malware THREEDOG
Use --loosematch
to allow for non-exact matches, otherwise will throw an exception. The sha256
needs a loosematch since the type for hash objects are always md5
// Returns a result with something that contains xxxx
mati indicator xxxx --loosematch
mati indicator 84b4c0f12c30cc06bf8ba85b148a2c466ede9943919b2fb6232b77f98c3039dd --loosematch
But these will throw errors.
mati indicator xxxx
mati indicator 84b4c0f12c30cc06bf8ba85b148a2c466ede9943919b2fb6232b77f98c3039dd
Usage: dtm monitor [OPTIONS] {list|enable|disable|create}
Monitor related functionality
--limit INTEGER Number of items to retrieve, 0 for unlimited.
--monitorid TEXT Monitor ID to change.
--name TEXT Name of monitor used when creating a new monitor.
--description TEXT Description of monitor used when creating a new
monitor, otherwise uses creation uses 'name'
--query TEXT Lucene Query used when creating a new monitor.
--enabled / --disabled Upon creating a monitor, create it as enabled or
--help Show this message and exit.
Usage: dtm rtsearch [OPTIONS] QUERY
Search Research Tools
--limit INTEGER Number of items to retrieve
--doctypes TEXT List of document types to filter on, separated by
--start TEXT Specify start time in the format 'YYYY-MM-
--end TEXT Specify end time in the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTH:M:SZ'
--truncate TEXT Integer: Limit the response 'body' to a given
--output [preview|json] Specify Output format
--help Show this message and exit.
Usage: dtm cards [OPTIONS] BIN_LIST
Retrieve a dump of all shop listings cards associated with a comma-delimited
list of BINs
--start TEXT Specify start time in the format 'YYYY-MM-
--end TEXT Specify end time in the format 'YYYY-MM-
--output [tsv|json|jsonl] Specify Output format
--usefile If enabled, bin_list is considered a file in
which to read, one line per BIN.
--exactmatch If enabled, bin_list will match exactly on the
BIN instead of a prefix, BIN*.
--pagecount INTEGER Number of pages to retrieve, use 0 to retrieve
--help Show this message and exit.
Get a list of the monitors with corresponding statuses for each.
dtm monitor list
dtm monitor list --limit 2
Enable or disable a monitor
dtm monitor enable --monitorid a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9
dtm monitor disable --monitorid a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9
Create a monitor
dtm monitor create --name "Coordination" --description "Forces in the wild working together." --query "Good AND Evil" --enabled
dtm rtsearch ssh
dtm rtsearch ssh --limit 1 --doctypes forum_post,message,shop_listing,paste,web_content_publish
dtm rtsearch ssh --limit 1 --start 2022-06-01T00:00:00Z --end 2022-06-02T00:00:00Z
Specify Different output options, default is preview
dtm rtsearch ssh --limit 10 --doctypes message,paste --truncate 50 --output preview
dtm rtsearch ssh --limit 10 --doctypes message,paste --truncate 50 --output json
dtm cards 372652,440348 --pagecount 1 --output tsv --start 2022-06-01T00:00:00Z --end 2022-06-02T00:00:00Z
Get all the cards in the time slot
dtm cards 372652,440348 --pagecount 0 --output tsv --start 2022-06-01T00:00:00Z --end 2022-06-02T00:00:00Z
Load the BINs from a text file rather than passing on the command line.
dtm cards --pagecount 1 --output tsv --start 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z --end 2023-01-15T00:00:00Z --usefile ~/Downloads/mybins.txt