A recoil macro intended for R6 siege, but can be used universally.
First, install the required libraries by opening a command prompt in the directory of the downloaded project and typing 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
After running the file, the X and Y sliders represent the amount to control the recoil in each direction, in other words the magnitude at which the mouse is moved. The delay slider is the amount of time in between each movement of the mouse.
If it appears to be missing things, try expanding the window to reveal covered up things.
Aim check only controls recoil when right click is also held as well as left click.
You can save and load loadouts from the config.txt file. If you ever break the file, you can just delete it and it will automatically make a blank new one upon running.
I wouldnt recommend using the X control that much, it seems to throw my aim off a bit, although im not sure why, it could just be me.
The code is very poorly written as I am somewhat new to coding, if you somehow find any issues feel free to let me know.