New features
Added support for switching chromosomes
Added Track.updateName function
Added "invert" property to Track, to draw features from the bottom up, rather than from the top down
Added support for tracks which contain other tracks
Added a generic line and bar graph tracks
Added support for absolute feature y position
Added support for tracks whose data comes from gzipped VCF files with tabix
Added support for tracks whose data comes from bigwig and bigbed files
Added support for "subfeatures" of a feature, e.g. exons of a transcript
Added Track.fixedOrder, for when the track should REALLY never move
Added webpack for building a minified file
Added some tests
Use font awesome icons for tracks controls and messages
Updated to jQuery 3.2.1 and jQuery UI 1.21.1
Bug fixes
Fixed bugs with setting track config
Fixed bugs with track sorting
Fixed bug caused by trying to create a canvas with a negative height
Fixed a bug with checkDataRange which caused multiple data requests on zoom out
Fixed bug with label resizing
Fixed being unable to resize karyotype selection when it was at the ends of the chromosome
Fixed transcript drawing when an exon has two non-coding regions
Changed the way stranded tracks are created
Don't show remove control for unremovable tracks
Don't show legend for disabled tracks
Stop Genoverse mouseup event killing other mouseup events
You can’t perform that action at this time.