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Genoverse.Track.Controller functions

Simon Brent edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 1 revision

The following are functions that exist in the Genoverse.Track.Controller object. Any of these can have before/after hooks added to them unless otherwise specified, or be overwritten by supplying them as properties in configuration.



Sets initial properties of the instance. Does not have before/after hooks.


Creates the DOM elements required by the track


Creates the event handlers required for users to interact with the track

controller.setName(name [, configName ])

Sets the name of the track and information about its current configuration (if applicable), as displayed in the label to the left of its images.

Argument Type Description
name String The name for the track.
configName Array or undefined An array of strings derived from the track's current config

User interactions

Called when a user clicks on the track's image DOM element. Creates a popup menu for the feature(s) the user clicked on.

Argument Type Description
e jQuery event The click event

controller.getClickedFeatures(x, y [, target ])

Returns an array of features for the given coordinates. These coordinates correspond to where a user clicked on a track image, and what genomic region that image represents.

Argument Type Description
x Float The x coordinate in pixels from the start of the chromosome. This is calculated as (x coordinate of the click event - left offset of the container DOM element + (current browser region start value * current browser scale)) where scale = (browser pixel width / browser region size)
y Integer The y coordinate in pixels from the top of the container DOM element
target jQuery selector or undefined The element being clicked on. Needed to distinguish between a click on an image containing features and an image containing labels when labels = "separate"

Track messages

controller.showMessage(code [, additionalText ])

Shows a message for the track. Messages appear as pop-outs from the left side of the track image.

Argument Type Description
code String The code of the message to show. Default message codes are "error", "threshold" or "resize".
additionalText String or undefined Extra text to append to the message as defined by this.messages[code]

controller.hideMessage([ code ])

Removes a message or messages from the track. This is different from the user action of minimizing a message pop-out - the pop-out will no longer appear at all.

Argument Type Description
code String or undefined The code of the message to hide. Default message codes are "error", "threshold" or "resize". If undefined, all of the track's messages are hidden.


Shows an error message for the track by calling controller.showMessage("error", error)

Argument Type Description
error String Extra text to append to the error message as defined by this.messages.error

Track height changes


Determines whether the track needs to be resized, either because the browser region size exceeds the track's threshold, or because the track is autoHeight and the features in view take up a different amount of vertical space to the current height of the track's image.


Returns the height required to display all of the features of the track in the current browser region. If there are no features in this region, returns 0 if track.hideEmpty is true, or the height required to display the track's name if not.


If the track is autoHeight, calls controller.resize, otherwise calls controller.toggleExpander

controller.resize(height [, forceShow, saveConfig ])

Changes the height of the track's DOM elements

Argument Type Description
height Integer The new height for the track's DOM elements
forceShow Boolean or undefined If true, height will be used even if the track would normally be hidden (see track.setHeight)
saveConfig Boolean or undefined If not false, genoverse.saveConfig is called after height has been changed, to retain this height on page refresh

controller.resize(height [, top, saveConfig ])

Changes the height of the track's DOM elements

Argument Type Description
height Integer The new height for the track's DOM elements
top Integer or undefined The top offset in pixels for the track's labels image, in the case that labels = "separate"
saveConfig Boolean or undefined If not false, genoverse.saveConfig is called after height has been changed, to retain this height on page refresh


Shows or hides the expander - a DOM element at the bottom of the track's image which allows users to expand the image's height by clicking in on - of resizable tracks depending on whether any features in the current browser region are being hidden by the image's current height.

Creating images


Creates an image DOM element and adds it to the track. Calls model.getData to get features to be drawn on the new image, and then controller.render to draw them on the image.

Returns a jQuery deferred object which is resolved once the data for the image has been retrieved.

Argument Type Description
params Object A set of properties required to create the image


Called when a track is created or when the browser's scale changes to create three image DOM elements and adds them to the track by calling controller.makeImage. One image covers the browser region, one covers the region to the left, and the other covers the region to the right. This allows the user to scroll away from the initial region without the immediate need to request more data and draw new images.

Returns a jQuery deferred object which is resolved once the deferred objects from each call to controller.makeImage have been resolved, i.e. once all the images have been drawn.

controller.render(features, img)

Creates a canvas DOM element and calls view.draw to draw features on it. Once this is done, the src attribute of the image DOM element is set to the canvas' data url. The canvas element is never added to the DOM.

Argument Type Description
features Array The features to be drawn
img jQuery selector The image element to be drawn

controller.renderBackground(features, img [, height ])

Like controller.render, but for drawing background images for a track. An example of this is the Genoverse.Track.Scalebar track, where a background image is used for the vertical grey lines which extend the whole height of the browser.

Argument Type Description
features Array The features to be drawn
img jQuery selector The image element to be drawn
height Integer or undefined The height for the canvas DOM element. Default 1.

Popup menus


Returns an object for use in genoverse.makeFeatureMenu, defining the contents of the feature's popup menu.

For example, consider a variation feature where the popup needs to contain information about the location and alleles. populateMenu could return an object as follows:

  'Location'           : '1:100-101',
  'Reference allele'   : 'CT',
  'Alternative allele' : 'TG',

The would create a popup with these three attributes, in the order they are defined in the object. Note that the keys and values of the object are displayed in the popup unmodified, so case is important, and both keys and values can contain HTML.

The popup is created using a table element, with keys in the first column and values in the second. In order to create rows in the table where content can span both columns, a key whose value is an empty string can be given.

There is one special reserved key: title is used to set the value of the popup's title element (the bar at the top of the popup).

Expanding on the example above, the final return value could be:

  'title'             : 'A variant',
  'Location'          : '1:100-101',
  'Reference allele'  : 'CT',
  'Alternative allele': 'TG',
  'External resource' : '<a href="">Click here</a>',
  '<a href="">Another external resource, link text is long and spans both columns in the table</a>': '',

populateMenu can also return an array of objects in the form detailed above. Each item in the array results in a different table element, with some margin in between. When an array is returned, the title attribute of the first item in the array is used in the popup's title element. The title attribute for subsequent items in the array (if present) will each appear as bold heading above their tables.

In addition to the attributes returned by populateMenu, the popup will contain "Focus here" and "Highlight this feature" links, which will perform their functionality based on the chr, start, and end values of the feature. In the case that any of these attributes exist the the value returned by populateMenu, these will be used instead of the feature's values. If populateMenu returns an array, these links will be shown between the header and the table for each item in the array. If this is undesirable, set either/both of start and end to false for that item in the array, for example:

  { title: 'A variant', Location: '1:100-101' },
  { title: 'Population genetics', start: false, ... some data ...  },

Finally, instead of an object or array of objects, populateMenu can return a jQuery deferred object. This allows an AJAX request to be used to get further information for the popup which isn't included in the feature. This can be used to speed up requests made by model.getData, as only the essential positional properties of a feature are needed to draw it, and extra details can be obtained later. This deferred object must be resolved with a plain object argument, as detailed above, for example:

populateMenu: function (feature) {
  const deferred = $.Deferred();

    url: ''
    success: (data) => {
      const menu = { ... based on data ... };

  return deferred;
Argument Type Description
feature Object The feature to create the popup for

controller.insertPropertiesIntoMenu(menuProperties, feature, menuEl, contentEl)

Calls genoverse.insertPropertiesIntoMenu to turn the value returned by populateMenu into DOM elements for a popup menu.

Argument Type Description
menuProperties Object or Array of Objects The properties of the feature to create the popup for
feature Object The feature to create the popup for
menuEl jQuery selector The element containing the popup menu
contentEl jQuery selector The element containing the popup menu's content: titles, focus and hightlight links, and tables (see populateMenu)



Calls track.setMVC to update the track's model and view properties


Pans the track's images left or right, making a new image if the left- or right-most image no longer entirely covers the browser region

Argument Type Description
delta Integer The number of pixels to move the track's images by (> 1 for left to right, < 1 for right to left)


Called by track.reset to remove the images that have been drawn by the track so far, and then creates new images for the current location in the genome browser

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