Releases: DENG-MIT/Arrhenius.jl
Releases · DENG-MIT/Arrhenius.jl
Arrhenius v0.1.1
Closed issues:
- add elemental matrix into struct gas (#5)
- Implement a PSR in the example folder (#6)
- Implement a multiplier to rate constants (#7)
- Implement an equilibrium solver (#9)
- Handle falloff reaction without troe coefficients (#18)
- Use NN to solve PSR (#19)
Merged pull requests:
- fix issues of falloff reactions without troe (#21) (@jiweiqi)
- use argparse for mechanism interpreter (#23) (@jiweiqi)
- bugfix and ignition example (#24) (@jiweiqi)
- update test | example of pycall for cantera (#25) (@jiweiqi)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "ForwardDiff" at version "0.10" (#26) (@github-actions[bot])
- use sparse matrix for performance optimization (#30) (@jiweiqi)
- for constant volume simulation (#33) (@jiweiqi)
- update readme (#34) (@jiweiqi)
- adapt to vscode (#39) (@jiweiqi)
- docs (#40) (@jiweiqi)
- add Documenter.jl as dep (#41) (@jiweiqi)
- Merge pull request #2 from DENG-MIT/main (#42) (@SuXY15)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "DocStringExtensions" at version "0.8" (#43) (@github-actions[bot])
- remove doc dep from main project.toml (#46) (@jiweiqi)