- VerneMQ 1.11.0
- https://github.com/vernemq/vernemq
docker run -p 1886:1883 -e "DOCKER_VERNEMQ_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS=on" -e "DOCKER_VERNEMQ_ACCEPT_EULA=yes" -e "DOCKER_VERNEMQ_listener.tcp.allowed_protocol_versions=5" --name vernemq1 -d vernemq/vernemq
- Eclipse Mosquitto 1.6.8
- https://mosquitto.org/download/
- Port 1885
mosquitto -p 1885
- HiveMq 2020.2
- https://github.com/hivemq/hivemq-community-edition
- Port 1884 (configuration in /hivemq-ce-2020.2/conf/config.xml)
- EMQ X v4.0.0
- https://github.com/emqx/emqx
docker run -d --name emqx -p 1883:1883 -p 8083:8083 -p 8883:8883 -p 8084:8084 -p 18083:18083 emqx/emqx
- ejabberd 20.7.0
- https://github.com/processone/ejabberd
- Port 1887
- disable authentication
- After the MQTT broker setup the tool can be executed.
./gradlew build
./gradlew learningBasedFuzzing
./gradlew.bat build
./gradlew.bat learningBasedFuzzing
In the Main.java following steps are performed.
- Creation of the Eclipse Mosquitto adapter and MQTT client which will interact with the Eclipse Mosquitto broker
MQTTBrokerAdapterConfig mosquittoBrokerConfig = new MQTTBrokerAdapterConfig(InetAddress.getByName(""), 1885, 200, true, true, true); MQTTClientWrapper mosquittoClient = new MQTTClientWrapper("c0", "mosquitto", mosquittoBrokerConfig);
- Definition of the input alphabet for learning and the corresponding mapper that translates abstract inputs to concrete inputs
- Learning of the Eclipse Mosquitto model
- Results are saved in the 'learnedModels' folder
- If you want to skip learning and use model in 'learnedModels' folder, remove (comment out) the last line:
Learner mosquittoLearner = new Learner(new LearningMapper(mosquittoClient));
List<String> paperExample = Arrays.asList(
"connect", "disconnect",
"subscribe","publish", "unsubscribe",
String experimentName = "MosquittoModel";
mosquittoLearner.learn(3000, experimentName, paperExample); // COMMENT OUT if you want to skip learning and use already existing model
- Configuration of clients for other brokers
- Same abstract input alphabet is used for the fuzzing mapper
- Define number of random walks and its maximum length
FuzzingBasedTesting fuzzingBasedTesting =
new FuzzingBasedTesting("learnedModels/MosquittoModel.dot", clients, new DemoFuzzingMapper());
fuzzingBasedTesting.randomWalkWithFuzzing(1000, 10);