Query the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE) OpenSearch service for available products.
Note: The name of the package (creodias-finder) comes from its heritage, when it was used to search for data stored in Creodias service. With CDSE reaching maturity it was decided to start using the Copernicus service. To download the data an account on CDSE is required.
This is just a proof of concept, not finished, thoroughly tested or fully developed. You are still welcome to use it and also to submit pull requests fixing bugs you may find.
Query and download Sentinel-1 products for a given time range
import geojson
from datetime import datetime
from creodias_finder import query
results = query.query(
start_date=datetime(2019, 1, 1),
end_date=datetime(2019, 1, 2)
{'geometry': {'coordinates': [[[-66.400017, -65.643265],
[-58.727936, -63.775444],
[-56.687397, -65.090927],
[-64.635124, -67.052101],
[-66.400017, -65.643265]]],
'type': 'Polygon'},
'id': '639595ae-da84-5eac-a96d-aa5e323ca0e9',
'properties': {'centroid': {'coordinates': [-61.543707, -65.4137725],
'type': 'Point'},
'cloudCover': -1,
'collection': 'Sentinel1',
'completionDate': '2019-01-03T00:00:18.941Z',
'description': None,
'gmlgeometry': '<gml:Polygon '
'srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>-66.400017,-65.643265 '
'-58.727936,-63.775444 -56.687397,-65.090927 '
'-64.635124,-67.052101 '
'instrument': 'SAR',
'keywords': [{'href': 'https://finder.creodias.eu/resto/api/collections/Sentinel1/search.json?&lang=en&q=Antarctica',
'id': 'ab3b4ea14403e2e',
'name': 'Antarctica',
'normalized': 'antarctica',
'type': 'continent'},
{'gcover': 0.25,
'href': 'https://finder.creodias.eu/resto/api/collections/Sentinel1/search.json?&lang=en&q=Antarctica',
Download selected products
from creodias_finder import download
ids = [result['id'] for result in results.values()]
"username": 'my-cdse-email',
"password": 'my-cdse-password'
# download single product by product ID
download.download(ids[0], outfile='/home/andreas/data/file.zip', **CREDENTIALS)
# download a list of products, multithreaded
download.download_list(ids[1:11], threads=10, **CREDENTIALS)