🚧 This project is no longer maintained. 🚧
Keep is a general purpose platform that is designed to facilitate data collection and analysis while providing a robust API to support its use in other mediums. Put simply, Keep allows you to create forms, collect data, and then share it.
- Open-source, MIT licensed
- Store data in the cloud, access anywhere
- Build web-forms with branching and constraint logic
- Build forms that support multiple languages
- Use 2-factor authentication to secure your account
- Plot data on maps
- Share data with other users
- Provides API access to data
- Mobile-friendly
- iOS and Android applications
The Keep repository consists of the main keep backend, as well as the front-end web client. The backend is built on Django, a Python web framework. Data is stored in MongoDB, while MySQL is used for user data and permissions. Celery + Redis serve as the task queue. The front-end is built with Coffeescript, Sass, and BackboneJS. Additional technical details are found in READMEs within directories.
While Keep provides a web-form builder, forms can also be built with spreadsheet tools by using the XLSForm format. XLSForm is based off of XForms, a W3C standard for forms. These XLSForms can be uploaded to Keep to generate web forms/repositories.
Keep is licensed under the terms of the MIT License
The following are instructions for setting up the keep backend server and web client in a development environment.
Make sure the following dependencies are installed:
- MongoDB ( http://www.mongodb.org )
- MySQL ( http://www.mysql.com )
- Python 2.7 ( http://www.python.org )
- NodeJS/NPM ( https://nodejs.org/en/ )
- Redis ( http://redis.io/download )
Make sure you have the following Python modules installed:
- pip ( http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip )
- virtualenv ( http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv )
- virtualenvwrapper ( http://www.doughellmann.com/projects/virtualenvwrapper )
mkvirtualenv dhlab_backend
pip install -r deps.txt
git submodule init
git submodule update
All of the following must be running before starting the server:
python manage.py celeryd worker -E
python keep_backend/manage.py syncdb
python keep_backend/manage.py migrate
After running these commands, there should be a sqlite file at ./local.db and a mongodb database most likely at either /data/db/ or /var/lib/mongodb/. The mongo database might not be located at either location, check the --dbpath in the mongodb.conf file for the general location.
Note: on an initial syncdb command, Django will ask you to create a superuser. Create one, and use these as your login credentials for the logging in portion.
npm install
grunt build
grunt build
will continue to watch the front-end source files so any changes
that are made should cause the assets to be re-built.
python keep_backend/manage.py runserver
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/
. You should see the Keep home page as well
as a login button. You should be able to log in with the super user account or
register a new account. Two-factor authentication is disabled in the
development environment. If registering a new account on development, the
confirmation email should appear in the server console output.