Sorting Visualiser is an application that allows to visualize the operation of various implemented sorting algorithms. List of available algorithms:
- Bubble sort (1)
- Coctail sort (2)
- Comb sort (3)
- Quick sort (4)
- Insertion sort (5)
- Radix sort (6)
- Shell sort (7)
- Pigeonhole sort (8)
By default, after starting the program, all array elements are sorted in ascending order. All operations are performed on a set consisting of 500 elements. To expand the context menu, press the m button
To shuffle all the items in the array , press the 0 button.
To run Bubble sort , press the 1 button.
To run Coctail sort , press the 2 button.
To run Comb sort , press the 3 button.
To run Quick sort , press the 4 button.
To run Insertion sort , press the 5 button.
To run Radix sort , press the 6 button.
To run Shell sort , press the 7 button.
To run Pigeonhole sort , press the 8 button.
The speed of operation of individual algorithms has been adjusted in order to best illustrate how do they work.