GitHub repo
Docker Hub image repo
This image is based on Ubuntu 18.04 and has the following packages installed:
- CUDA-10.2.89
- nvidia-docker
- CMake-3.10.2
- VTK-8.2.0
- PCL-1.11.0
- OpenCV-4.4.0
- Eigen
- Flann
- Boost
- gdb
- openssh
- Sublime Text
- zsh
Default user is pcl
and password is pcl
It starts an ssh server and exposes it in port 2222 of the host.
The idea is that the docker image will contain all the required software and libraries to develop on PCL and then we will connect from an IDE (CLion in my case) running in the host that will do "remote" compiling. It even allows to launch GUI applications from the container using xhost
You will need to have the nvidia GPU drivers and nvidia CUDA drivers in your host to take full advantage of this image
The image is based on tkkhuu's one with some additions to make CLion remote development work
Follow the steps here.
Note: CMake will be installed on /usr/local/bin/cmake
instead of on the default location
Clone the repo and go to its folder
$ git clone
$ cd pcl-docker
After that, you can either choose to build the image by yourself or pull it from docker hub
$ docker pull dlopezmadrid/pcl-docker:latest
Build the image with
$ ./
Once the image is ready, you can create a container called pcl-docker with
$ ./
Once the container is created, there is no need to create it again unless it is deleted
Start the container with
$ ./
Start the container with
$ ./
Then run these commands within the container
$ cd docker_dir/example_project/cloud_viewer
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
You can run the project then with
$ ./cloud_viewer
You may need to zoom out to see the example point clouds
- Run the command with &
- Press ctrl+z
- Run
- Run
$ nvidia-smi
$ nvidia-smi
$ nvcc --version
is not set properly in the container
In the host, run:
$ echo $DISPLAY
You should see something like :0
or :1
. Then inside the docker run with the right output from before:
$ export DISPLAY=:0