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1. Introduction

Doug B edited this page Nov 16, 2022 · 18 revisions
Homebridge Get Awair

NOTE: As of 30 November 2022 Awair has sunsetted Awair 1st Edition, Awair Glow and Awair Glow C devices. As of this date, Awair removed iOS app and cloud support for these devices which is required by this plugin. v5.10.0 of the plugin implemented these changes.

Homebridge-awair2 is a second generation Homebridge Dynamic Platform plugin for the Awair family of air quality sensors implemented in TypeScript for Nfarina's Homebridge project. The Awair2 plugin is based on the homebridge-awair plugin developed by Dean L. Young.

The Awair2 plugin will query your Awair account using a Developer Token to determine registered Awair devices setup through the Awair app on your iOS device. While running, the plugin will fetch current sensor conditions for each Awair device (e.g. Awair 1st Edition, Awair Glow, Awair Mint, Awair Omni, Awair 2nd Edition, Awair Glow C, or Awair Element) and provide air sensor status and value (e.g. temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, TVOC, dust/PM2.5/PM10 and Omni local status (e.g. light level, battery status and occupancy status) to HomeKit. You can look at the current Awair information via HomeKit enabled Apps on your iOS device or even ask Siri for them.

The plugin will fetch new data based on selected endpoint and User Account tier. For the 'Hobbyist' tier, 15-min-avg endpoint samples every 15 minutes, 5-min-avg every 5 minutes, latest every 5 minutes and raw every 3.3 minutes (200 seconds). The main difference between the latest and raw endpoints is that you can define a limit (i.e. number of consecutive data points) for the raw endpoint, in order to create your own averaging (e.g. setting limit=12 returns a 2 minute average of the raw data).

For those with multiple Awair devices, you can optionally list the macAddress of the device (found on the back or bottom of the device) which you want to exclude from HomeKit. Test devices are also supported, reference 'Advanced Configuration' page.

For Awair Omni, battery charge level, charging status, low battery, light level and occupancy detection based on ambient sound level are also provided using the Local Sensors capability which is configured in the Awair iOS App. Battery Status does not appear as a separate tile in the HomeKit interface. Battery charge level and status will be found in the Status menu for each of the sensors.

v5.7.x of the plugin introduced control of the Awair device display for Awair Omni, Awair r2, and Awair Element. Reference Chapter 6 for details and examples of HomeKit automations for this feature.

Awair Omni Awair Element
Awair Omni Awair Element


The Author would like to acknowledge the significant encouragement and support of Dean L. Young and the Awair team in the development of the homebridge-awair2 plugin. The project was started on an Awair-R2 device. With their support, device specific capabilities and testing was also performed on Awair, Awair-Element, Awair-Glow-C and Awair-Omni devices.