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Configuring the HTML Template Visualizer Settings

Tom edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 2 revisions

Page Editors can configure the Active Visualizer field (located in the Display and Cache Settings section of the Reports Settings tab) to use the HTML Template Visualizer. This visualizer uses an HTML Template file to display the data retrieved in the report. The template file is processed once for each row and then rendered as a list. Each Template is processed by locating tokens of the form [Column Name] in the Template and replacing them with the value of Column Name in the returned data-set. The HTML Template Visualizer automatically processes every row retrieved from the data source. Users can display one row only, or a smaller set of rows, by changing the Data Source to return only the desired rows. Here's how to configure the HTML Template Visualizer settings on the Active Visualizer:

  1. Go to a Reports module.
  2. Select Manage > Settings from the module actions menu.
  3. Go to the Display and Caching Settings section of the Report Settings tab.
  4. At Active Visualizer, select HTML Template Visualizer. This displays the Template File fields.
  5. At Template File, set the link to the HTML template file or upload the new file.
  6. Click the Update button.

E.g. the following HTML Template was used to produce the output seen below, which lists the ID number and title of each module on the site.

 <h1>Module #[ModuleID]</h1>
 <p>Title: [ModuleTitle]</p>

Example of HTML Template