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Uploading Content

valadas edited this page Jul 10, 2018 · 2 revisions

Uploading Content

How to upload an item

To upload a file click on ‘Upload File’

Adding a new file to the Repository: When an authorized user or admin uploads a file or data, the upload form is displayed. This form is controlled using the Form.html/Form.xml template for the skin that your Repository is using. This allows you to customize the upload form for each instance of your Repository. For example: if you are using the business card skin to display a listing of businesses, the upload form for the business card skin will not include the ‘File’ element since there is no need for a file to be uploaded. See the template section for more information on templates in general and the upload form.

In Figure 7 – (this is the upload form for the default repository skin) The top paragraph displays different text dependant on which security roles are assigned to the user and the permissions that you have set up in the Settings of the Repository Module. As you can see here, we are logged in as Administrator and our upload will not require moderation. Each of the items displays a Help? If you click on this it will provide a Help tip.

Uploading a File

Title: Enter the title of the file/object. This is the name of the file that will appear at the top of your file listing. (Named ‘title’ in Figure 6) File: Click on Browse and select the file you want to upload to the web server. (Note the File Type Upload Permissions information below)

Categories: (If your Repository has Categories, this section will be displayed, if not the Categories section will be hidden) Place a check next to each category that you would like this file to be associated with. (In figure 6 to the right of the title, it states this file is in the ALL category)

Image: Click on Browse and select the image file you want to upload to the web server. (Note the File Type Upload Permissions information below) Your Full Name: Displays this name as the author of the file as you can see in figure 8. The Repository module automatically enters your name if you are logged in.

Your Email Address: Enter your email address. The Repository module automatically enters your name if you are logged in. If you allow users to upload documents other than the administrator, this email address can be used by the administrator to contact a user with any questions regarding their submission. It is also used to notify the user when their submission has been approved or rejected. The users email address will NOT appear on the file listing for the file uploaded UNLESS the user gives permission to do so by checking the box below.

Display Email Address? Check this box and your email address will be displayed as part of your file listing (as you can see in figure 6) Detailed Description: Enter a detailed description of the file you are uploading. This description is displayed in most skins as you can see with the default skin in figure 9.

Send File: Click on Send File to upload your file.

File Type Upload Permissions

If you wish to upload files such as MPEG or MP3 files, then you need to add the necessary permissions. To do this:

  1. Log in as Host.
  2. Go to the Host Menu / Host Settings.
  3. Scroll Down.
  4. Click on Advanced Settings.
  5. Click on Other Settings.
  6. Enter the File Upload Extensions; add the necessary file extensions that you wish to upload. (e.g. mp3)
  7. Click on Update.


As the Administrator it’s your responsibility to review and either approve or reject files uploaded by users. When logged in to the Administrator Account, you will see the MODERATE UPLOADS (#) button at the top of the repository with the number in parenthesis indicating how many files are awaiting approval. Click on the button to go to the Moderation page (Figure 9).

The Moderation Page

Each file awaiting approval will be displayed in a similar fashion to the repository listing. The only difference is the options that are available in the action bar under each file. On the moderation page, you can do the following:

OPEN FILE: Click on this link to open the file that the user uploaded to verify that you want to make the file available for download.

APPROVE: Click on APPROVE to approve the file and release it to the repository listing. When you click on APPROVE, an email will be sent to the user who uploaded the file informing them that their upload has been approved. Once approved, the file will be removed from the Moderation page and will now appear on the repository page.

REJECT: Click on REJECT if, for some reason, you decide NOT to allow this file to appear in your repository. A rejection form will open under the item and you will be able to enter text explaining to the user WHY you are rejecting the upload. Click on the SEND REJECTION NOTICE button and an email will be sent to the user who uploaded the file which will include the text you entered. The file will be removed from the Moderation page and the files uploaded will be physically deleted from your server. Click on the Return link to return to the repository listing when there are no more files to approve or reject, or if you’re done for now.

File Storage and Image Files

Files that are uploaded are stored in a folder named Repository/UserID which is placed in the Portal ID folder. For example, if you have placed a repository module on a page in Portal 0 and the user with an ID of 7 uploads a file, then that file will be placed in \Portals\0\Repository\7. In addition, the file will be renamed to prevent overwriting of previous files, even if they have the same name. A unique id (GUID) will be inserted between the filename and the extension. When the file is downloaded through the Repository, the GUID will be stripped out resulting in a download of the file with its original name.

Thumbnails are created on the fly using GDI functions so that the user is not required to upload 2 different images, a thumbnail and a full sized image. The thumbnail will be sized based on the skin being used and will retain the larger image’s aspect ratio. The ability to click on the thumbnail image and display the full size image in the same or new browser window is controlled by the skin. See Chapter 11 for more information on skinning.

Using the Repository Module

Browsing the Repository: If there are more items than the number of Items per Page as set in the Repository Options page, then there will be PREV and NEXT buttons. The buttons are located at the bottom of the repository and allow you to page forward and backward. In between the buttons is a page counter which will tell you how many pages there are and what page you are looking at.

Searching: In the action bar for the repository, there is a search text box and button. To search the repository, enter a search word and click on the Search button. The repository list will be filtered to only show files that have the search text in the Author’s name, email address, File Title or description. The search is case insensitive.

Sorting: Next to the search box is a sort box. Select the property of the repository that you would like to sort by. The repository will be sorted by the property you’ve chosen.

Downloading: In the action bar at the bottom of each file is a DOWNLOAD link. Click on the link to download the file to you local machine. The number of times a file is downloaded is stored in the repository and displayed in the file information area of each file.

The User Rating System

To display the user rating form you need to enable the User Rating System (see configuring your module) and use a skin that has a RATINGS tag (see Chapter 11 for more information on skinning). The action bar section for each file will then include the average rating for that file by users who have voted. The average is displayed via a graphic. Hovering your mouse over the rating graphic shows you how many votes have been received. If the current user is not part of a role that has been authorized for ratings, they will still be able to see the Rating, just not add their own rating to the file. Click on the rating graphic to open the Ratings Form.

The User Rating Form

Click on the numbered radio button next to what you would like to award the file. Click on the Post Your Rating button. Your vote will be tallied and the file’s ratings will be updated. User Comments

If you’ve enabled User Comments (see configuring your module), then a COMMENTS (0) prompt will be displayed in the action bar for each file. The number in parenthesis indicates how many user comments have been posted for that file. Click on the Comments prompt to open the Comment Form.

Administrators will see pencil icons to the left of each user comment. Clicking on the pencil next to a particular comment will allow you to edit or delete the comment.

The User Comment Form

Users see all the existing comments (as shown in figure 11). Enter your name and your comment then click on the Post Your Comment button. Your comment will be added to the file and the Comment form will close. The number of Comments shown in the parenthesis will be incremented to show the new comment.