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Substitute literals in RDF graphs with URIs from SKOS vocabularies


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Look for literals in an RDF graph and substitute them with URIs from controlled vocabularies. Built with Gradle and Apache Jena.

It uses the vocabulary filenames for grouping them in families. For example, city-italy.ttl and city-france.ttl are part of the family city.


The library needs in input:

  • a folder containing vocabularies
  • for a full graph replacement, a configuration in csv that declares the property to match, the relative vocabulary family, an if it should eventually check for the singular version of the label. Example:,mop,singular,key,

Given as input:

ns:myMusicWork mus:U11_has_key [
          a mus:M4_Key ;
          rdfs:label "Ré majeur"@fr ] ;
   mus:U2_foresees_use_of_medium_of_performance "mezzosoprano" .

... this produces as output:

ns:myMusicWork mus:U11_has_key <> ;
   mus:U2_foresees_use_of_medium_of_performance  <> .


  • Vocabulary syntax supported:
    • SKOS
    • MODS
  • Support for families of vocabularies
  • Replace literals that match the given label
  • Replace objects that have a rdfs:label or ecrm:P1_is_identified_by which match the given label
  • Strict mode: match both label and language
  • Normalise the labels by removing punctuation, decoding to ASCII, using lowercase
  • Search also for the singular version of the word with Stanford CoreNLP
  • Support for RDF Dataset:
    • replace content at the default graph level
    • replace content at a given named graph level
  • Supported textual syntax for RDF (serialization):


  • Build tool: Gradle 7+
  • See the dependencies section in the build.gradle file for project dependencies.


As a module

  1. Add it as dependency. E.g. in build.gradle:
dependencies {
   compile 'com.github.DOREMUS-ANR:string2vocabulary:0.7'
  1. Import and init in your Java class
import org.doremus.string2vocabulary.VocabularyManager;

// ...

// print full logs

// set the folder where to find vocabuaries
// set the folder where to find the config csv
// set the language to be used for singularising the words
  1. Use it :)
// Search for a term in a given family
// this performs a normal full search and one in strict mode
VocabularyManager.searchInCategory("violin", "en", "mop");
// -->

// or
// Search for a term in a given vocabulary
VocabularyManager.getVocabulary("mop-iaml").findConcept("violin", false);
// -->
// strict mode
VocabularyManager.getVocabulary("mop-iaml").findConcept("violin@it", true);
// --> null

// or
// Get the URI by code (what is written after the namespace)
// -->

// or
// Full graph replacement
// search and substitute in the whole Jena Model
// (following the csv configuration)

See the test folder for another example of usage.

Command Line

Run the library from CLI with gradle run:

# Canonical form
gradle run -Pmap="/location/to/property2family.csv" \
  -Pinput="/location/to/input.ttl" \

Available CLI parameters:

param example comment
map /location/to/property2family.csv A table with mapping property-vocabulary
vocabularies /location/to/vocabularyFolder Folder containing the vocabularies in turtle format
input /location/to/input.ttl The input file (Turtle or TriG syntax)
output (Optional) /location/to/output.ttl The output turtle file. Default: <inputPath/inputName>_output.<inputFileExt>
lang (Optional) fr Language to be used for singularising the words. Default: en.
graph (Optional) The named graph to process. Default: `` (i.e. the default graph)

Default gradle run behavior rely on project properties set in the file. See the following links for details about properties in Gradle:

CLI examples with provided test files:

# Example: Turtle syntax
gradle run -Pmap="src/test/resources/property2family.csv" \
  -Pinput="src/test/resources/input.ttl" \

# Example: TriG syntax, replace at the default graph level
gradle run -Pmap="src/test/resources/property2family.csv" \
  -Pinput="src/test/resources/input.trig" \
  -Poutput="src/test/resources/output.trig" \

# Example: TriG syntax, replace at the default graph level (alternative)
gradle run -Pmap="src/test/resources/property2family.csv" \
  -Pinput="src/test/resources/input.trig" \
  -Poutput="src/test/resources/output.trig" \
  -Pvocabularies="src/test/resources/vocabulary" \

# Example: TriG syntax, replace at a given named graph level
gradle run -Pmap="src/test/resources/property2family.csv" \
  -Pinput="src/test/resources/input.trig" \
  -Poutput="src/test/resources/output.trig" \
  -Pvocabularies="src/test/resources/vocabulary" \


Generating local code documentation:

javadoc -d doc/ ./org/doremus/string2vocabulary/



In the general case, please

  • fork and create merge request OR
  • raise an issue into the project's space.


If you use this software in a scientific publication, please cite:

Pasquale Lisena, Konstantin Todorov, Cécile Cecconi, Françoise Leresche, Isabelle Canno, Frédéric Puyrenier, Martine Voisin, Thierry Le Meur, & Raphaël Troncy. (2018). Controlled Vocabularies for Music Metadata. Proceedings of the 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 424–430.

In BibTex:

  author       = {Pasquale Lisena and
                  Konstantin Todorov and
                  Cécile Cecconi and
                  Françoise Leresche and
                  Isabelle Canno and
                  Frédéric Puyrenier and
                  Martine Voisin and
                  Thierry Le Meur and
                  Raphaël Troncy},
  title        = {Controlled Vocabularies for Music Metadata},
  booktitle    = {{19th International Society for 
                   Music Information Retrieval Conference}},
  year         = 2018,
  pages        = {424-430},
  publisher    = {ISMIR},
  address      = {Paris, France},
  month        = sep,
  venue        = {Paris, France},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.1492441},
  url          = {}